Monday, 5 September 2022

Warwickshire Avon - Tangerines and Tangoreceptors

Sadly fishing has taken a back seat of late because well I've been up to my neck in DIY. A much needed proper home office created which was once Sam's bedroom and Sam has been relocated to the underused playroom and gone from a cabin bed to a double bed to match his brother Bens. 

Why it's taken me so long to do it, God only knows because as a hybrid worker anything to make working from home more palatable needed to be actioned.

I'm quite lucky I have the space though because I know from family and friends having to do similar not everyone has the same option available to them.

Three tip runs in the XC90, a new carpet for hall and landing and also a new wooden floor compliments all the painting we had done whilst we were away on holiday. I really do hate DIY though, as I've got better things I would rather be doing in my spare time. 

So plenty of sigggghhhhs, grunts and oh'FFS's !!! were involved in the room switch around, but as I type this in the new office, short term pain for long term gain and all that. 

To be fair I could have gone for the odd hour here and there but to be honest with the rivers the way they are I'm lacking some motivation so this room sorting was a nice distraction. 

Anyway for this morning session it was out with the bread to do some chub fishing. The Avon is still low and gin clear and I've been finding that the larger chub have been suspicious in their absence of late.

In my quest for a Warwickshire Avon 6lber though I'm going to fish in to dusk and beyond going forward because they really do switch on when the light goes.

This session was expected was tougher than it usually is, as swim after swim I didn't see anything more that a 1lb or so and nothing came up to take the bread off the top. Some chublets eventually succumbed to some slow sinking bread but not exactly what I was after.

In one of the deeper swims eventually I had 4 or 5 chub feeding on the surface but after fluffing a couple of bites eventually I had a decent fish on.  

It didn't last long though and it did me over in a snag good and proper. You can only imagine the expletives that came out my mouth, yeap proper x-rated.

That group of fish vanished altogether but thankfully after battling my way though an overgrown swim I found another pack of fish up for a feed. After one felt the point of the hook I thought that was it, but after a change to slow sinking bread I manged a couple of 3lbers from the same swim.

They took to bait right at the tail end of the run through and gave a decent fight on my light gear. Ok not the biggest but still a nice bend on the rod.

Both of them had distinctive orange markings which to be fair I have seen before on Warwickshire Avon Chub, but this one by far the most I've seen on one particular fish. Answers on a postcard please !!! And that was that, no more fish and still back in time to start to tick ones chores off. 


  1. I’ve caught several chub and roach with the orange pigment in them Mick . I asked Dr Paul Garner his opinion on it and he said it is just a pigmentation variant . I’ve also caught tench with a similar red colouration .


    1. Thanks for that Baz, thinking about it I've caught roach with similar markings.


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