Sunday, 6 October 2013

What no Lilypads

With the rivers so low and not knowing what to fish for I decided to try for another Warwickshire Avon Carp. I planned to try and catch one off the top again so I brought my carp rod with bubble float some chum mixers and a loaf of crusty bread.

What a difference a few weeks makes as there was hardly a lilypad in sight, this area was thick with them which gave a safe and secure home for many carp.

They were nowhere to be seen either, luckily I also had my lure rod in the car so I had no choice but to do a bit of roving.

Wasperton had always been a strange venue. The first year I fished it I had loads of Chub, 8 or so 3 or 4 pounders in a 4 hour session was the norm but then then the fishing went off after the floods. There are some big bream to be had too and on the BAA stretch I had one that was 8lb. It screams Pike though and I've had some small ones from here but when it gets colder I'm going to try trotting for them.

I had about 8 or 9 Perch today, nothing of size but there was a few bigger ones that followed the lure right up to the bank. Couldn't believe how mild it was, it was 18.5 degrees when I left.

Oh and a credit to Leamington Anglers Association the bank and path clearing they have done down here is worthy of a mention. It's a Shanghai anglers match at Tunnel Barn next week, even though I'm not a huge fan of the venue at least I'll catch some fish.


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