Thursday, 20 June 2013

Peaked too soon ?

So the first session on the river the new season took me to a stretch of the Warwickshire Avon that was familiar for me, familiar in the sense during the end of last season when the water was low I could see all the deep runs and likely fish holding spots. I'd cast a line here before in the exact same swim a few times but I still didn't give it the attention it deserved, it must hold some decent Barbel, it just had too.

I picked up a new landing net handle from Lanes in Coventry and had a natter to the staff, got a nice lead on 'free'ish' venue I'm going to try out as this season I'm determined to spread my fishing around the area rather than fish the same venues all the time. First time I've been to Lanes, easily the best tackle shop I've been too, massive shop and packed to the rafters with tackle.

I started fishing at 7.00pm with scalded mix pellet moulded around a inline grippa lead with 12lb mainline and 10lb coated Korda hooklink, hook bait today was new for me, it was a Lone Angler Sausage Sizzle Squab. I've decided to only fish one rod this season as two got me in to a mess on a few occasions.

The first swim I tried the rod tip was being knocked all over the place, plenty of fish on the swim but most likely small fish attacking the hook bait or pellets. I gave it half an hour and after a missed half arsed bite I moved a couple of pegs upstream.

I re-baited and cast in to a slack area and again as soon as the rid settled on the bed I was getting indications on the rod tip. Now the Warwickshire Avon has fished funny for me, I've never had a decent Barbel in bright sunshine, usually at dusk or when it's been overcast. So I was suprised when the rod violently wrapped round and the centrepin's ratchet was taking a hammering, this was no Chub that's a Barbel. The far bank had plenty of snags and cover and with the rod bent double I had to bully the fish away from the snags. I lost two big Barbel last year because I lost confidence in my tackle but this time pre-season I fine tuned my rig and even changed my knots.

The power of the fish was immense but after a powerful fight in the clear water I manged to land it.

My PB Barbel and 11lb 11oz. Stunning condition too. In hindsight I should have taken my sunglasses off but as my self-takes are poor it was no suprise and it doesn't help I'm still showing my Ibiza excesses but the pictures are getting better though but still lots of room for improvement. I've been going grey since I was 17, I'm 40 now so please no suggestions of grecain 2000, maybe I need the traditional blogger hat ?

I rested it in the net and I returned it to it's swim.

(Well you didn't think I'd reveal it did you)

With the swim disturbed I tried a couple more upstream before returning for the last half an hour around 9.45pm. This time with a big spam hookbait I had a nice Chub I didn't weigh but it looked around 4lb. Some good average weights of Chub in the Avon, and there seems to be loads of them too.

A brilliant first session on the river, one I'll remember for a long time.


  1. Well done Mick, a nice daytime fish that. Whole season ahead to better it too!

  2. Cheers Lee, certainly a good start to the season, cannot wait to hit the bank again.


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