Saturday, 28 April 2012

College Pool - 28.04.12

According to my weather app, Saturday morning would be the best of weekend weather, no rain and overcast. Venue was College pool at Wasperton, the Avon was looking high when I drove through the village. Lobworm the hook bait, one under a float in the margin and another on a running rig on the sleeper rod. Feed was chopped worm and red maggot flavoured with liquid worm.

Before the heavens opened and the wind started to blow a gale :) I managed a few Perch although nothing of size, and even this tiny Perch pictured with eyes clearly bigger than his belly. The hard fighting carp of college pool love lobworms and landed a lovely mirror a nudge over 9lb, a proper chunky fish and a great fight on light tackle.


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