Saturday, 28 December 2024

Warwickshire Avon - Mist and Mithridatisms

I didn't really know what to do and where to go for this session but I wanted to give the Avon a go trotting with bread however I didn't have much time sadly, so in the end I decided to go pike fishing at a club book I'd largely forgotten about.

To be honest with the ground saturated the Avon after being in the fields and in flood has finally started to come down, that has seemed to take an age mind you hence fishing the smaller local spate rivers that rise fast, but also drop fast allowing some fishing. 

A smelt under a float and a roach on a running rig over at the far side it didn't take long to have a bite on a moody looking river. 

On the float rod that is, because the ledger rig had no interest whatsoever...

...I missed the first bite where after a confident run I tightened up to the circle hook where after the first bend of the rod the fish ejected the bait.

Damn it !!!

But nothing gets in the way of a pike and it's need to feed and literally a minute later the fish has picked up the bait again and the float has buried under the drink. This time I tightened up to a solid fish and the fish realising it was hook went off on a powerful run.

When it surfaced it was certainly a pike that was worth catching and it put a decent bend in the rod before I managed to net it. It was hooked perfectly in the scissors so quickly unhooked and returned from whence it came. 

That was the first fish of 3 in-fact all caught on the float set-up and the first fish the biggest at around 7-8lb, the smallest maybe 5-6lb or so proudly showing its war wounds. No Zander showed up sadly but it was cold, proper cold with the temperature just above zero degrees.

I had to get back sadly to prepare for a curry night we were hosting later on but I'll be back. Next time I might see if Sam wants to tag along because he loves pike fishing too and also it is going to get milder before going colder again, and milder is good for Sam, he like many are fair weather fisherman. Again the banks were deserted, where are the other anglers ?


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