Tuesday, 24 December 2024

The Tiny River Alne - Chickens and Chiliahedrons

I've been fishing this little stretch of the Alne for a good while now and it's always been an intriguing little water mainly because you cannot really tell beforehand how it will fish.

The river had been over its banks again however it drops nicely this little river and being the closed bit of running water to me that I fish it's nice and convenient. 

Even in milk chocolate coloured conditions it can fish ok, finding the fish which is half of the problem.

 The swim opposite the house is deep and even when the river is banging through some sanctuary can be found here away from the main flow and this swim is often the benchmark on what the rest of the river will fish like.

If you're biteless in this swim you might as well go home and go back to bed to annoy the Wife because the outcome of the session is dictated to you right there and then.

It was a chilly morning and I had frost on my windscreen so I thought I would be tough even more so when literally settling in to the swim a cormorant surfaced over at the other side of the river and flew off in disgust of me being there. 

I mean come on ? what the heck are they doing here it's not exactly rich picking now is it. 

They are much better at hunting out fish than what I am however especially when literally 5 seconds after the cormorant surfaced I missed an unmissable bite on bread where the 1oz tipped pulled all the way round to where it enters the blank.

I missed a further three bites (yes really) before eventually I was hooked in to a solid fish. I've scaled down of later because I want to try and better my dace PB of 12 ounces that came off this stretch. A lighter fluorocarbon hooklink and a small size 12 Guru feeder special hook and I'm sure that didn't help the situation. 

The chub and soon after a chublet succumbed to the thumbnail piece sized bread, you would think being that coloured it would be a worm day too. It just goes to show how reliable bread is in most conditions.

Once the bites dried up I went on the rove where the wind was very cold indeed, infact as the morning when by the wind got stronger and stronger. Anyway another two cormorants scared off and then one that went to land in its roost (first pic) saw me and then did a quick about turn !!!

Oh so that's where they are holding up !!!

The next swim I had a bite that literally nearly took the rod in when it caught me off guard where I struck in to nothing 🤣and then 5 mins later after getting the bread back out, another nice Alne Chub.

I fished another few swims but nothing doing and when the wind was making any registering of bites almost impossible I decided to knock it on the head. Still a lovely morning and it's the fact that I have the stretch to myself keeps me coming back.

It really is a nice place to be, ok the fish are not anything to write home about, but so what it's not all about specimen fish now is it. Ok it's nice when the appear from time like the dace but it is the solitude that is the Winner Winner Chicken Dinner. 


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