Sunday, 21 April 2024

Transient Towpath Trudging - Pt.101 (Maggots)

Now match angling in canals is a specialized form of angling. The matchman's aim is quite different from that of ordinary anglers. His object is to catch a higher weight of fish than his opponents within a limited time. He cannot prebait his swim, nor will he usually risk angling for big fish. He angles for the kind of fish which will enable him to build up a winning catch quickly. 

Time wasted may mean fish missed. Consequently, everything has to be speeded up. Casting, striking, retrieving the fish, groundbaiting all must be done quickly and efficiently. A few ounces, or even drams, can swing the balance in his favour. To lose is not a disgrace. But to win or to be placed is an achievement. Reputations are at stake. Names can be made overnight. The competitive spirit is paramount.

It seems a great pity that all this effort so often reaps such a poor reward in terms of fish caught. Occasionally, an angler catches some good roach, bream, chub or tench, and the win- ning weight takes a spectacular upward leap. But more often than not, the weights returned are low and seldom give a true reflection of the quality of the canal's fishing. 

Some matches are won with a meagre two pounds or so of roach, or even with a mere ounce or two of small fish. One match fished on the Lancaster Canal, in which no less than 1,300 competitors took part, was won with less than four pounds of fish. In another match, fished in the Worcester Canal, the winner out of 164 competitors weighed in four pounds fourteen ounces of small roach. 

But one of the most fantastic match results of all must be the occasion when 200 sticklebacks earned an angler third place and £34 in prize money. The sticklebacks weighed six and a half ounces and were taken on a bloodworm fished on a size 22 hook. Results of this kind are quite common when the catch is composed of small fish. 

Yet individual anglers often take hefty catches of fish, and sometimes large specimens, from these same waters when fishing alone. I can remember taking over thirty pounds of quality roach during an early morning session in the Alrewas Canal a well-known Midlands match venue. This catch was witnessed by a bailiff and a few of the match anglers. Yet the match that was fished later in the day was won with only two pounds of small roach. Many anglers caught nothing.

It would be unwise to jump to conclusions about experiences such as this, though. Comparisons of the respective results in terms of fish caught can be misleading. I had the advantage of an early start in an undisturbed water. Most match anglers are not prepared to take a chance with different baits but prefer those which have proved themselves over the years: maggots, casters and bread.

Other factors often weigh heavily against them, too. They cannot choose their time or place, but must fish when and where the luck of the draw places them quite often in most unfavourable conditions. To get the best from most canals, it is essential to be quiet and still. 

In this sense, the match angler commences at a disadvantage. The unavoidable amount of noise on the banks, and the fact that he is virtually rubbing shoulders with his fellow-competitors, creates adverse conditions which he must accept and strive to overcome. It is to his credit that he catches fish at all.

You do wonder why those matches on the canals seem to rarely happen these days, especially in these neck of the woods where matches were common places even during the river season. There is always those that would blame the Zander but the fact is many matches anglers have now moved to commercial fisheries instead to apply their trade. Easy pickings isn't it !! and with all the gear the modern match anglers seems to carry these days, often convenient as you can park behind your peg. 

Anyway I was back for more early morning canal fishing where I got off to a flyer with a bite first chuck before even any cloud groundbait went out. I only fished maggots today, three of them on a size 16 hook actually, where as back in the day that would have got a WTF 👀😅.

I was catching steadily till the first boat came through at 7.30am, yes on Sunday, after that sport died off where I only managed to get the odd bite or two. In the end with so much crud on the surface and the two got a pain I decided to venture to where I was yesterday morning but this time fish near some reeds to see if I was missing something.

I forgot just how much I like fishing the centre-pin in this type of fishing where you don't need to cast far even if fishing over at the far margin, but it's playing the fish that is so nice. The control over the fish when using relatively fine tackle is unbeatable I'd say. 

Anyway both areas produced a wide variety of fish with the biggest fish this nice bream that gave a decent fight. So an an enjoyable near 4 hour session and the weather was kind as well and it definitely felt spring in the sun, very pleasant indeed.  

The maggots certainly did the trick today and not the freshest of bait either probably a good 7-8 weeks old and kept in my bait fridge in the garage from turning in to casters. A lovely mornings fishing and as expected I had it all to myself too.

Now I need to try and few more spots methinks to see if I'm missing out on some hot-spots and next time I might just fish bread and also feed bread to try and improve the size of the fish, and also the species, because I fancy some decent roach. I have been feeding fishmeal groundbait and small pellets and that could well dictate what I've been attracting in to the swim. 

Oh and I forgot to mention I had a carp sleeper rod put for the first part of the session, where sadly nothing was doing whatsoever up snag alley. I might stick to the Zander sleeper rod next time and wait until it warms up nicely where hopefully the carp will get off their lazy backsides and start moving about. 

That's when the bike will come out to play to try and do some carp spotting because that's what worked last time. The best way to catch them is to find out where they are hiding first.


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