Saturday, 2 March 2024

Warwickshire Avon - Hail and Haussmannize

30 minutes before I planned to go fishing the cold rain all of a sudden decided to change to hail and lasted a good twenty minutes before it petered out, all very bizarre but then the weather has been all over the place of late.

The fishing for me and the likeminded has been very tough indeed recently where bites seem to be as scarce as any settled weather.  Dave W on my syndicate 11 blanks since Christmas apparently. 

Just when you think the rain has gone for for a while it comes back in anger and those brooks and streams fill up again and in turn, the main rivers are back to chocolate brown.

Frankly I'm getting a bit fed up of it because the urge to go fishing as wavered of late and to be honest that's not good at all now is it. What can you do though ? the closed season is just round the corner and if you don't force yourself to get out there you'd only regret it. 

So the stretch of convenience was in order to try and catch a chub or two....

The river was on the rise and was motoring through which limits the swims somewhat. Still enough to go at though, however after 5 or 6 swims without a bite on cheesepaste / bread I should have realised the outcome after the first couple of swims. 

I stuck with it though and to be honest it was quite nice when the sun came out. The predicted rain didn't arrive either with just the odd sprinkling. The river has changed from a lovely green colour to a weak tea colour and I'm sure that didn't help.

Out in the main river the amount of debris coming down was alarming which would mean those chub would be hiding away in the slacks.

Tell that to the chub on this stretch though because they were nowhere to be seen. In the end I ventured off the beaten path where a recently created raft eventually brought a bite. A bite which I missed and probably scared off the chub in the process because well it never came back again sadly which more often than not they do. 

Anyway roll on Christmas, at least that is something to look forward to, because the rivers can do one. 😒😑


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