Sunday, 4 July 2021

Warwickshire Avon - Bootlaces and Bouleversements

Where was everybody ?

A perfect looking river, a tinge of brown and it had risen a little overnight because we had some thunder and lightning and rain that went with it.

I wasn't moaning as I had the banks to myself again which meant I could rove around to try and drop on a fish. I had some bread which I'd drift down the river to see if the chub would reveal themselves. 

The weather report wouldn't have helped I suppose because it did say that there would be some heavy showers around but apart from a 5 minute light shower the predicated rain held off. The rain picked up big time as I'm typing this but I left at 11.30am after a chat with the bailiff and his dog where the morning weather wise was rather uneventful. 

The chub didn't show in two swims so I headed to a deeper swim where I could see if anything was home that would like a chunk of luncheon meat. 

The first bite didn't take long either in-fact I felt something try to grab it on the drop. After some little bangs and taps eventually a decent bite develops and I lift in to a fish.

The jag jag jag felt through the carbon though I knew exactly what liked the black pepper spam, yeap and eel !!!! I don't mind catching eels when they are a decent size but this was a line tangling bootlace. Luckily it was hooked firmly in its lips so held aloft over the water a quick flick of the forceps attached to the hook shank it was off. 

So the meat rod went back out again and within ten minutes another bootlace got in on the act. So third time lucky ? well not quite, because again after another chunk of meat went back out, wham the rod top takes off and its jumped out of the rest before the centrepins ratchet could keep up.

A Barbel on finally !!!! it was a two hander on the rods handle to prevent it motoring off downstream to a snag but after 5 or 6 seconds in to a powerful fight the hook pulls 😖 FFS again !!! 

I've not had a hook pull on a decent fish for ages so I can only think of the hook after pulling though the meat didn't quite engage as it should.

Another half an hour without another bite I went on the rove again and picked off a couple of small chub off the top where the water is almost static. The river is almost perfect at the minute so hopefully I'll get out again tomorrow evening to try again for ones nemesis, I'm due a decent fight, its been a long time coming but at least a couple of chub saved the day.  


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