Friday, 10 February 2017

Warwickshire Avon – If Carlsberg Did

If Carlsberg did Chevin Heaven, this small enclave of the Warwickshire Avon would be it.

It’s got everything a Chub would need you see.

Those overhanging bushes and trees for much need cover.

Snags and rafts aplenty and those food carrying creases they love.

Even lap dancing bleak and perch punkah-wallah’s

Shame the beer is like nats wee and I’m here to spoil the party, but then again you cannot have everything. They grow large here too such is the sanctuary, I’ve managed numerous 3 and 4lbers with the biggest going nearly 5 which didn’t quite get that bleeding monkey off my back. One session in particular I banked 6 or 7 fish in a short session with every fish over 4lb.

Good fishing in anyone’s book let alone mine. Talking about books, I've bought a mint copy of late Tony Mile's, Search for Big Chub and enjoying it immensely, some great tips and considering it was published over 10 years ago now, it's very relevant and still a cracking read.

Search For Big Chub - Tony Miles

I’ve seen fish over 5lb here that’s the frustrating thing. One summer I’d stumbled upon one of the swims to see not just Chub feeding up in the water but Barbel too and a few of the Chub looked huge. They were cagey buggers though and despite watching them for half an hour and being as careful as possible with oneself and ones bait they quickly get suspicious and were never seen again. I could only image the size they would go come winter.

I want to catch an Avon 5lber GOD Damn It....!!!! Yes, I hope you’re listening Almighty because you haven’t up till now.

They seemingly love cheesepaste and as green, manky and smelly as you can get it. In the winter with a little colour in the water when targeting them I can think of no other bait I’d instead such the confidence I have in it. Roving is the only way to tackle it so nothing more than a small bag a rod and a landing net are needed. With the weather cold as it is, I find it hard glued to one spot so roving helps to keep ones cockles warm.

You don’t even really need a bankstick because much of the stretch is elevated you just need to position the rod on the ground correctly.

And watch that tip go round….

I use a fairly simple link-ledgered set-up, with a paste cage tied to a hair to help retain the concoction. Hook is a large barbless Guru QM1 which is the pattern I use when Grayling fishing, not only is it an easy hook to remove from the fish when landed, it rarely comes out. It's got a unique pattern out of all the hooks I use, almost circle like.

Now I've never used steak before for Chub but James Hinley has been using it with much success and a rare visit to the local Tesco supermarket there was a chunk of fillet steak going cheap, some of it's in the freezer but I'd got some with me for this session too. I had another hooklink made up and for the last hour of the session I'd see if I had any takers.

So the session went ok, I fished about 6 swims and returned to two. 6 Chub were banked with the biggest going 3lb 8oz. Ok not the biggest of Chub but on relatively light tackle some fun was to be had. There are some bigger fish here sadly they didn't seem to be around today.

Weirdly the Chub didn't seem to mess around with the cheese paste, as soon as they found it they nailed it and the bites unmissable. The steak they seemed to nibble it and return again and again until they decided to take it.

Not sure why to be honest but there was a definite difference. Maybe Jame's Chub are used to find dining. Maybe a bit like my matey Wardy and trying anything remotely healthy or green, it takes a while but eventually inroads can be had.

There was sleet during the session too, well it is winter isn't it but so pleasant to be out after being stuck in the office for most of the week.

I don't know why I don't do more Chub fishing because I love it when I do.


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