Monday, 6 June 2016

Closed Season Zander Quest Pt.43 – The Wall

I seem to have hit a wall, it’s tough going at the moment and has been for a number of weeks. This 5 hours session was at some of my known Zander hot spots and yet despite a small schoolie right at the end that took my float at such pace I thought it was a Pike attached to it, the fish were just not interested.

I’m sure the temperature has something to do with it as I’ve always done far better when it’s been much colder. To be honest I’m glad the river season is nearly here as I’m losing my resolve to continue on the quest especially as the carp have been very active in the some of the areas I’ve been fishing.

I’m losing interest, hence the short post….

A 9lber, one at 8lb 10oz and one at 7lb 6oz are still cracking fish though but having caught what seems like hundreds and hundreds of canal Zander the bigger beasts are very rare indeed. They don’t hang around either so it’s clear to me they are indeed transient and they could crop up anywhere.

Now for the remaining sessions because the Zander seem to be far fitter and more active when they eventually take the static deadbait I’m dumping one of the rods and going back to a lure rod again. 

Maybe that’s what they want, some competition….One thing I do know though is I will catch a double figure fish one day, I’m not beaten yet.


  1. It only takes that one take though Mick, that one take could be a double. Can only continue and let's hope that you find one although they're rare beasts I'm certain it's possible. Tight Lines mate

    1. Cheers Chap,

      I've a couple of sessions left for this close season but I'm thinking I might have a dabble for them again this winter.


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