Tuesday, 30 July 2024

Warwickshire Avon - Balers and Ballistocardiographs

Fishing is great isn't it, take your mind off the modern world for that moment of time, anyway a tale of two halves this one, because after stopping off at the 'Untrodden' for bailiff duties during the middle of the day wasn't exactly ideal fishing weather, but with Sam's mate Matthew over from Chester and Sam pestered me to bring a float rod and catch his first fish.

Luckily the field had seen the haybailer recently so it was much easier to get around because it was a bit of a pain I must admit. Not so much the length of the crop, but the tiny bits that came off them and stuck to your socks. 

Matthew went home happy because not only has he a fishing licence of his , but he caught his first fish. In-fact he caught quite a few with Sam and Matthew taking it in turns to man the rod. The maggots were getting taken on the drop so simple tactics to winkle out a few fish, before the sun beat us up in to submission.

The water fight in the garden amplified after dinner so I buggered off to another stretch of the Avon where I'd fish in to dusk.

There was a match on the previous day and the chub and elusive (for me) barbel hadn't fed whatsoever so I was gutted that when I sneaked in to an elevated swim and dropped some bread crust into the swim, a chub after a couple of nudges took the bread where I struck and pricked the fish.

It looked a good fish too, but yes a stupid question, it never came back !!!

I tried another couple of spots but they were as cagey as anything so ditched the floating bread and got set-up and hour before dusk to see if I'd fair better when the light levels had dropped.

It's a nice swim this, shallow fast water upstream, tree cover over at the far side and a bed of reeds to my left. In the middle it carries some depth and that's where I'd drop the bait just off the creas. 

Sadly just one chub pull before the curfew kick-off time, however not entirely unexpected considering the conditions, but I'm sure a decent fish will turn up sooner than later. 

I'm enjoying just spending time outside now, despite the fishing not being brilliant, but my fishing time is about to be curtailed because the Wife has a well deserved break in Edinburgh from early Thursday through to late Monday so I'll be in charge of the reprobates. 

Still plenty of things planned and sadly none of it fishing and one of the planned trips we will be venturing into Birmingham on the train of all places for some revelry, wish us luck.

So one more day to go fishing and that is tomorrow where after a curry with a mate post work from the office, I'd have a few hours max to try and catch something half decent.

I plan to don my waders this time round however because I know where some decent chub have been hiding but they are difficult to get too. I will also fish a bait static at dusk again like I did before for a last gasp barbel before the drawbridge comes down.

On to the next one !!

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