Sunday, 16 June 2024

River Arrow - Sodality and Solemnsides

Yeay we are back in business thankfully the canal was getting to me I must admit !! Anyway I finished on the Arrow last season, so I thought I'd start on the Arrow for this new season. To be honest I fancied coming for a nose to see what it's like in the 'summer' because I got the chub feeding off the top when it was cold, so I wondered in clear conditions when the river is low and the water warm, were they up for it again ?

As a backup I had some maggots and the trotting gear in the car just to try and bank a few fish from this small waterway. 

A arrived just after 6am and had a fish on first cast but it came off just as I was getting the net ready, only a small chub though, oh well. It didn't take long to get the next bite mind you where I had a massive drop back bite and a fish was on.

It felt half decent too and after a decent fight it was on the net. A lovely condition chub that was 4lb on the nose and was most welcome indeed. Nothing was taking bread off the top so in the end I went on the rove where I managed another 3 chub in different swims.

I has ages left so was looking forward to explore the stretch then I was approached by two guys who were pegging out for a match!!! whoopssss, turns out I should have been invited to join a WhatsApp group where the dates are listed.

They offered me to go to an area above where I was fishing but I decided to venture elsewhere for the last couple of hours. When I returned to the car there was at least another 10 guys who were very chatty indeed and gave me some stories of the fish that have come out over the years. 

So to the Warwickshire Avon for the remainder of the morning where I managed two further chub off the top and also trotted the float for an hour and a half for lots of maggot munchers. An enjoyable morning and those Arrow chub are something else, such lovely condition.

The Arrow wasn't as clear as I thought it might have been the Warwickshire Avon certainly is there, the recent rain has topped the levels up though and it was a nice trotting pace despite nothing big showing really. A quick post this, it's Fathers Day after all, a busy day today. 


  1. Mick what size hook do you use for trotting bread flake please.Do you fish straight through or hooks to nylon...Would you be willing to show me how to/you trot or..............................Had to ask.

  2. Same set-up as Nic basically, all in this vlog he made.


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