Sunday, 7 January 2024

Warwickshire Avon - Geese and Geloscopy

I think I am the world's most impatient fisherman, you see despite me knowing I'd probably blank in the Avon that is recovering from the flood water but also why the heck didn't that bite from a 5lb chub come within 10 minutes.

The Avon is dropping nicely now though and I'd imagine it will take a while for the fish to get accustomed to their new surrounding. You see just this small section of river I noticed in one swim where the thick cover used to exist for years has been thinned out considerably because of how high and fast the water has been of late.

It was a cold start but rather pleasant when the sun came out but it was a fish to give a decent bend in the rod I was after.

The results of the floods clear to see will all manner of debris littering this intimate stretch of the Avon. Now I was probably 24 hours too early really because on of the biggest problems was that the swim options I had were very limited indeed.  

The cheesepaste reached the bottom with a satisfying donk on the swims that I tired and I gave the swims more time than I usually give them but there was nothing doing whatsoever.

To be honest not entirely unexpected because in past experience it takes a while for the fishing to get back normal as the fish often to acclimatise to their new surroundings. 

That couldn't be more different to the huge numbers of Canada Geese and some swans that have taken up residence in the newly formed lake.

They seemed as happy as Larry, well until the shooting party turn up and spoil their fun. It was a lovely day though as I said and sometimes it's not just about catching fish but enjoying the surroundings. It's just a shame that every winter day couldn't be like this.

So a blank to add to the growing number !!!

Can you send some good luck my way please, ta !!!


  1. The temporary pond is now a lake then ☺️☺️I wonder how many birds hade fallen 'fowl' of it 😬😬

    1. Well bumped in to one of the shooters a couple of weeks ago, at least 38 I know that much

  2. Most of this winter so far has been a washout! I wonder if this will be an annual scene now, winter fishing being scaled down to 2-4 weeks across the whole "Winter" whilst we battle to save towns and villages from biblical floods for the remainder!

    Oh, and it's not just you thats impatient, I too have ants in my pants most of the time!

    Good luck for when the rivers get back to some sort of normality.

    1. Cheers James, been pants hasn't it !!! Good luck with the Barbel challenge anyway, not that you need it the way you are going :)

  3. Second most Mick.
    I will forever have the crown for impatience.


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