Friday, 28 July 2023

Warwickshire Avon - Slabs and Slavocracy

This week Pentagon whistleblowers shared explosive claims of alien technology defying laws of physics and pushback from military leadership against those reporting such sightings in a House Oversight Committee hearing. 

Three witnesses took part in the hearing David Grusch, a former intelligence official and whistleblower who said last month that the US has “intact and partially intact” alien vehicles, David Fravor, an ex-Navy commander who reported seeing an object flying across the sky during a 2004 training mission, and Ryan Graves, a retired Navy pilot who claims he spotted unidentified aerial phenomena off the Atlantic coast “every day for at least a couple years”.

Mr Grusch claimed individuals have been injured while working on reverse engineering UFOs, but he said he couldn’t get into specifics of how that happened, adding that non-human “biologics” were found along with recovered crafts.
I actually saw a UFO myself back in 2016 where an unidentified object went from stationary to a ridiculous height within a split seconds. It freaked me out a the time because I really had no explanation for it. 


Now talking of aliens my favourite swim on a local club water sadly was harboured by triffid sized nettles until this session that is. 

You see I fancied fishing for one of the bigger chub that often reside here (I've seen chub of >6lb easily in days gone by and caught them >5lb) where two bits of water meet. 

It's shallow in the main but with a little more water on at the moment, the extensive cover and escape routes offer the perfect habitat for often the most cautious of fish.

So it was out with the hedge cutters and I got hacking !!!!

Now the normal behaviour of chub is to disappear or stop feeding immediately they suspect all is not well. Being by nature a shoal fish, one becomes suspicious the others become agitated a clear case of 'follow the leader'. Because of that capture of, say, 50lb of chub at a sitting is considered something of an angling feat. 

While you may take, say, up to a dozen from a swim, by the time the last fish has made its mistake the others, realising something is amiss, disappear !!!. To counteract this, seat box frequenters after catching two or three often rest the swim for a while, fishing another 'line' so as to not disturb the others, an excellent ploy which specimen hunters could well adopt. 

Anyway with the river well up the problem was once the swim was cleared so I could get in to the swim the fallen willow was blocking access. So I went back to the car and got my waders and got in to the swim. The first chuck of the bread the small fish were on to it straight away and some spirited small chub were banked.

The bigger chub were nowhere to be seen but then a proper bite out of the blue a proper fish was on. What I didn't expect though was a lovely looking dark bream that hovered up the bread. I can count on on one hand the amount of bream I have caught here over the years so it was pleasant surprise. 

I stayed in the swim for another half an hour but a small hole in my cheapo waders that worked perfectly down the wye were now taking in water. So I decided to go and fish another couple of the swims. The problem was with 4 other anglers on the stretch the swims were limited however a swim with a slack over at the far side was just about fishable.

After a decent drop back bite after ten minutes I was in to another decent fish and when it surfaced in the decent flow it was another decent bream. What is going on here, like I said they have been few and far between since I started fishing it.

The chub were not playing ball for me, however I don't mind catching bream especially when this one weighed 4lb and 11 ounces. Its mouth easily big enough to hover up a big piece of bread. Dusk wasn't far off now and I stayed until I couldn't see the tip and that was that.

No more bites but one of those strange sessions where I went home with a smile on my face because that's why we all like fishing as it can surprise you when you least expect it. On to the next one !!


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