Monday, 11 May 2020

The Close Season Zander Quest Pt.*** - Fallaciloquence and Flosculations

It was inevitable wasn't it with this pastime of ours certain sporting pursuits such as angling, golf, canoeing and tennis can now take place from Wednesday after Boris's 'Stay Alert' speech on Sunday. A little sketchy in the waffle but to be fair it's fairly straight forward if you listened to the speech.

I suppose the problem is dealing with the pandemic now we are over that bell-curve as the infection rate has been contained is that for many they cannot single-handedly sort themselves out without every i dotted and the t's crossed by the Government.

But these are surreal times we have been in nearly 8 weeks of lockdown after all, that was always going to happen.

Common sense (bugger)  'Stay Alert' is exactly that, could it be interpreted in a different way ?

Now it didn't help that Professor Neil  Ferguson one of the governments own advisers didn't heed his own advice, as he allowed a female companion to visit him at home during the lockdown while lecturing the public on the need for strict social distancing.

A nation living in fear ? doesn't look like that in many parts of the country now does it. At this rate of change maybe the first hand pulled pint by Danny in the New Inn is sooner than one thinks. 

Still ignore everyone else and do what you see fit for yourself and your household , nothing else you can do really is there. These are difficult times, and it could well change just like that, take it day by day.

The butterflies have been nice and active, these iPhone pics show just how chilled they have been of late.I'll be glad to get back to the towpaths because the hedgerows are full of them.  The sun gets everything moving and despite a dip in temperatures it's going to get nice and mild again.

Zander may well be off feeding though, the canals are very clear at the minute.

Chomping at the bit ? yeah stupid question., I've that fat Zander to catch I've been feeding up, I'm sure it will be obliging, it better be, it's got through my deadbait stocks something chronic and as yet, I've nothing to show for it.

Now talking about nothing to show for it, the womery is now established, the Sunday dinner coming up trumps with potato peelings, sprout tops, savoy off cuts and the rag-ends of green beans.

I do hope it's all worth it and they get breeding as I've spent a few quid now, need to get some payback, fingers crossed I've a nice wriggling household for the new river season.

When the rivers are low and clear at the start of the season, a natural bait certainly has an edge like a piece of bread floating down the river in-front of a shoal of sight feeding Chub.


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