Friday, 8 July 2016

Warwickshire Avon – Great Tits

I’ve always been an admirer of tits and these really were something special.

I was transfixed, glued to the spot.

Luckily hidden from view I could watch without fear of being sighted.

I got the camera out but the zoom was pathetic so one’s eyes would have to do.

Not a care in the world it seemed.

The pair on full display, plump as you like….

In this dangerous time their fledglings were comfortable in their parents company, watching, learning, they need to learn quick after all they will need to fend for themselves in the coming weeks. Caterpillars must be in abundance here, because over the space of an hour there was a conveyer belt of them, flies and other insects not so.

Their chirping loud, very loud…. assume the full stomachs helped.

A passing kingfisher had them in awe, they all of a sudden forgot about their buffet and looked at the evening entertainment.

They wouldn’t have seen that hanging out at the small garden at No.9 Bell End.

I fancied travelling light for this session so the bum bag was donned with the mere essentials and roving it was. I’m a roving angler at heart, it’s more my thing, not only do I get to exercise ones underused legs but moving from peg to peg to try and find fish I find beneficial. Particularly in the winter months where if within 15 minutes I haven’t had a bite from a gluttonous Chub on pungent cheese paste it’s time to move.

Now I didn’t have much time, work is a bit manic at the minute and I’ve been working more hours than I usually do so a short evening session is all I could manage.

The river was low, very low and clear too, certainly not ideal conditions but with some nice glides and thick cover I’d try and tempt a fish with a moving bait.

Other areas of the Avon I fish I've been quite successful with this method when a static bait would be ignored. 

That was the plan anyway, the banks were deserted so I tried 6 or 7 swims without even a nibble, 2 particular swims had thick cover and looked ideal for a fish, however despite rolling a bait under their hiding place they didn’t seem to be interested.

Even in the thick streamer weed which I studied for a good half an hour I didn’t spot any feeding fish. All very odd.

For the last half an hour I had a bait static on the bed under some cover and fished in to dusk, but even the Chub didn’t seem to be interested.

Tough going again but I’ve discovered one particular swim that I might dropper some bait in and wait for a bite, it looked perfect.

Another blank….

I'm clearly doing it wrong.


  1. Nothing wrong Mick, It's just you need to find them mate. Keep looking they are there somewhere. Normaly right where they should be.

    1. They are there, I've seen them and you've caught them. Hopefully catch up soon.


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