Sunday, 13 April 2014

ZZZ - Another PB

Lee from was right Zander, Zander, Zander was all I could think about this week and especially as I was given some information about the possibility of some huge ones in a particular short stretch.

This time I planned to use two rods, a float set-up and my lure rod which was successful last week. With another two miles of the Grand Union Canal to cover I moved along the towpath, placed the small dead roach deadbait under the small pike float secured by a single circle hook into some likely looking fishing holding areas and then work the lure in and around the swim. Ten minutes without a fish I'd move on.


This stretch was dark moody and largely devoid of any features, there was the odd fish moving around but looked lifeless. I know the bigger Zander are likely to be more active at night but as it was an overcast morning I thought if there were some fish in this stretch I'd hopefully hook in to one of them. I alternated between lures, the smallest a fiiish minnow and the biggest a fire tiger shad 5.5" long.

After a biteless 2.5 hours and having walked the whole stretch for the final hour I decided to drive back to the spot where I caught my 1lb 15oz PB ( you have to start somewhere ) last week. The car-park is handily a stones throw away from the  swim I wanted to fish so after arriving at the spot within 5 minutes I was fishing. I'm certainly glad I made the move because within an hour I caught 6 Zander, upped my PB to 2lb 1oz and lost a much much bigger fish at the death that bumped the hook. Promising indeed. Strangely not a touch on the deadbait, all on the small minnow lure. As the evening are lighter I might give a couple of short sessions a go. Make hay and all that.


  1. Nice one Mick, looks a nice stretch.

    I'm yet to target Zander as they aren't many in the north east, but I'll hopefully get down to the midlands this year for a session or two.

    Tight lines


  2. Well in Mick congrat's on the pb. Like Darren, i've never had one either but might have a crack this year.

    1. Not sure why it's taken me so long to try and catch one, makes a change in the close season to fish a canal rather than a pool too . The Midlands seems to be riddled with them so might as well make the most of situation.

  3. Well done Mick, those minnows seem to be doing the business. Out of interest what's the clarity like on that part of the GU?

    1. From chocolate brown to murky, certainly not clear at all.

  4. Nice work Mick. I might have to have a go at zander myself soon. I've always overlooked them, even though I have a canal with plenty of them present just down the road.

    1. It's certainly a change Sean and something to cross off the list.


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