Friday, 29 July 2011

Wasperton - 28.07.11 (Glutton for punishment)

Well water very low and clear, not caught anything at Wasperton for 3 attempts so decided to go back and try and mend things. I know there are decent fish in the stretch I fish. No one else fishing the BAA stretch this evening so baited a some swims and gave 1/2 hour max in each. Big fat Lamprey pellet on the hook, braid hooklength and stonze lead. Caught a nice pristine Chublet within 1/2 hour, things were looking up I thought :)

However that was it :( had quite a few knocks in low light but sadly no four foot wrap arounds. A big carp or Barbel launched itself out of the water just in-front of me but didn't get tempted with my bait. Oh well at least I didn't blank, we need lots of rain to give it a flush through and the weed seems to be as thick as ever. Fantastic evening though, lovely.


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