Tuesday, 3 May 2011

College Pool Again !!!!!! - 02.05.11

1College Pool again !!!!!! decided to try and connect with some of the decent Perch , tried another swim fed maggots and fished prawns / lobworms on the hook. Sadly lots of small Perch but not decent ones, biggest probably a tad under 1/2 a pound. Also connected with one of the carp that I couldn't do anything about.

The carp were not surface feeding as usual so had a sleeper rod out with a simple running rig, a few missed takes and aborted runs I switched to a semi-fixed rig. Managed 2 smallish carp on pellet, biggest about 7lb, in the 4 hours I fished. I wanted to fish in the evening as I've always had more success at College Pool but it's finding the time. I fancy a change now so might give Snitterfield a go for the crusians, anyone know if they are showing yet ?

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