Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Not been fishing for a while...

....as baby Sam was born the 9th of May, his mother Sarah was struggling the few weeks before the birth and was on crutches. 8lb 5oz, doing well, his 22mth old brother Ben not sure what to make of him though. :) Hopefully I'll get to the bank this weekend.

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

College Pool Again !!!!!! - 02.05.11

1College Pool again !!!!!! decided to try and connect with some of the decent Perch , tried another swim fed maggots and fished prawns / lobworms on the hook. Sadly lots of small Perch but not decent ones, biggest probably a tad under 1/2 a pound. Also connected with one of the carp that I couldn't do anything about.

The carp were not surface feeding as usual so had a sleeper rod out with a simple running rig, a few missed takes and aborted runs I switched to a semi-fixed rig. Managed 2 smallish carp on pellet, biggest about 7lb, in the 4 hours I fished. I wanted to fish in the evening as I've always had more success at College Pool but it's finding the time. I fancy a change now so might give Snitterfield a go for the crusians, anyone know if they are showing yet ?

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