Saturday, 15 October 2022

Warwickshire Avon - Salamandroids and Sabbulonariums

When postie Bob revealed the 'bomb hole'  swim a few years ago this swim of note has been on my radar ever since. Now to be honest I've not really fished it that much but with the river clear as Mother Teresa conscience I fancied a double dipping session where I'd fish a chub selective bait, cheesepaste and fish a deadbait for a pike. 

The baitfish shoals hold the predators here and because of that I'd also from time to time throw a lure rod around to try and get a pike to react. 

The bigger chub don't really start moving till dark so the thought was that if they were holding up in the hole. (likely to be less than 16ft for this session) at least it was dark and shady down there where they could find some sanctuary. 

Naturally a Depth Bomb that I designed would be required to hold the cheese paste on and I got a load of them printed a while ago. Cheesepaste when the Warwickshire Avon has that lovely green tinge of colour is a superb bait for chub, but those conditions are a while off, but when the weather turns and the fish need to get fat, if the chub are there, they really are straight on it. 

Anyway what a lovely dawn, well whilst it lasted because 10 minutes in to the session I had a bite on the deadbait but the fight was short lived when the pike after initially taking some line, ended up under a canopy of cover.

I thought I'd managed to get it in to open water at one point but no, after a couple of more lunges the fish was off. I assume the fish let go over the bait as I don't think it was a hook pull, it looked a double as well, bugger !!!

Oddly there was hardly any fish actively where as here usually it's alive with fish topping when the sun starts to rise.

Maybe there is a good reason for that because it's gin clear still and maybe the fish are shoaled up rather than milling about at their leisure. Anyway a quick scan of the deeper you can see how little water is on at the moment because it was a couple of foot short of what it normally is. 

Still with some cheesepaste smack back in the middle of it I didn't think I'd be on for a bite or two, but sadly not even a pull or a nibble in a swim that feels like it should be in a gravel pit. 7ft either side of this 'feature' remember. 

So after getting bored and ordering everything under the sun off of Ebay it was time to get on the move before the bank had blocked my card. There are usually pike hanging around in most swims here so after fishing static in a few deep swims with no interest I tried to induce a take with sink and draw. 

Again nothing doing and with the sun really bright now where in one swim I could see 8ft down no problem I thought oh well, a blank was on the cards.

There was one swim left though and after a tweak of the deadbait to lift it off the bottom after a couple of minutes the float jumped in to life. The fish was straight off with it too, no messing around at all, so after tightening up to the circle hook a nice battle ensued.

After the first powerful run it calmed down a bit and it was soon in the net. Long and lean unlike me and obviously needed some scran bless it. I guessed at 8lb and that was exactly what it weighed.

As I said before it's tough out there at the minute so I was quite happy to land a fish that put a decent bend in the rod. Will I get out later ? Well I'm 50/50 at the minute. Lots to do, people to meet etc, no rest for the wicked. If you're out there fishing like I am, fair play to you, not exactly easy is it !!!.


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