Friday, 7 October 2022

Warwickshire Avon - Mammothrept's and Macrocephaly

Dusk comes round quick doesn't it !! it didn't seem that long ago it was 8.00pm when the isotopes were being fitted but it's not far off an hour earlier now, which means ones fishing opportunities for me and many others could reduce somewhat....

....Fishing is permitted from sunrise to sunset, except where entrance to the fishery is no permitted until later than sunrise, and departure from the fishery is insisted on before sunset. The times listed above are subjected to the exceptions of Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year's Day, Easter Monday, Good Friday, August Bank Holiday. St George's Day, St Andrew's Day, St Patrick's Day and Yom Kippur, when no fishing of any kind is allowed.

Fishing from Monday to Friday is not allowed, Weekend fishing is strictly prohibited. Night fishing is banned on all waters. Day fishing is allowed only at the times stated above, subject to any change of policy not heretofore notified. Persistent fishing outside the permitted hours could result in the hours being curtailed.

Thankfully I have various options at my disposal and could fish throughout the night if I really wanted to, and for the Warwickshire Avon, those stretches that allow night fishing are very few and far between. 

This stretch is very familiar indeed to me having fished it for years and is actually home to my PB of 5lb and 15 ounces . That fish wasn't the longest fish I'd caught but just lifting the net it felt heavy and definitely had its winter coat on. Now the swim he spotted it in, is a very hit and hold swim. 

In-fact there is a snag that I've lost fish in before using my standard light chub gear when drifting pieces of bread along the top in the summer.

So it was back to a heavier set-up this time and again (cus it seems work) I'd fish a krill wafter again over some Goodness Grenades ® Buffalo Si

This time the bait tighter to the hair to increase my chances for the chub, but also as there is Barbel here as well, so at least if I hooked one of them I'd stand a chance to land one using the heavier set-up.

When it's low and clear the river often seems devoid of fish but there is so much cover, nooks, crannies and crevasses for the fish to hide up on this stretch, that once the light goes, the river that you thought you knew can often turn in to a completely different river. 

In the daylight hours you are often wasting your time that's why these short smash and grab sessions I fish suit the situation perfectly. 

So pull the pin, and take cover !!!!

Well ok this is the Warwickshire Avon after all, likely to be a mere pfftttt if I was lucky !!!

To be fair the last decent fish of note I caught, which can be seen in Nic Avon Angling Video here was a 12lb 6oz Barbel that succumbed with similar tactics. 

I've found though, (well ok I rarely fish an hour past dusk) unless in the winter when its dark at 4.00pm that bite often comes at the witching hour. 

The hour after dusk when often all a sudden fish start moving around. Jesus enough of the waffle. I better get fishing hadn't I. Anyway after the prebait went in I had a short period to try and catch something on the lure. It was windy so not exactly ideal but hopefully a chub or perch fancied a nibble. 

You'd probably guessed over the last number of sessions, fishing has taken a back seat. Not getting out as such, as I've done plenty of that but applying myself in full piscatorial pursuits, not really happening to be honest. Fishing is more to me than catching fish though, if you're read my blog for a while you'd know that already. 

Anyway what I didn't expect was after allowing the Salmo Hornet to drift under the willow that within a few seconds of the retrieve a fish was on !!! A decent fight too on the the short rod where it tried to get in to a snag.

A nice Chub actually, around 4lb and why I love fishing these small crankbaits. Such a simple way of fishing and always a surprise what is up for grabbing it.

A few more swims fished where I caught another chub of around 3lb and then some small perch initially, then they got slightly bigger. The river is gin clear again, proper gin clear but just goes to show a predator can be switched on to reacting to this dayglow imposter.  

Anyway as the sun was setting I got the freebies in to the swim where I'd fish just gone dusk. The really blowy wind what was cold at the start of the session calmed down a little and to be honest I was probably a little too warm.

The roving obviously didn't help but it was actually nice to settle in a permanent position for once. 

As expected the chub pulls came as soon as the light levels were low and with the hair reduced in size it didn't take long to catch the first fish. Only a 2lber which 10 minutes later was followed by his mate.

Then oddly things went dead, I mean proper dead where it seemed that any other fish that were in the swim, decided to scarper. 

So the 6lber didn't show, but an enjoyable session all the same especially when the conditions are not exactly favourable. 

So on to the next one, whereever that may be !!!!


  1. I've noticed a similar pattern at dusk on the Anker Mick. In the run up to dusk tip activity steadily increases but then suddenly drops off, only to pick up again about half an hour later. Once into dark proper then any bites will always be worth it with the smaller fish seemingly having an earlier bed time.

    1. I might have to stay longer Keith !!! with the nights drawing in fast, will have to anyway to get my fishing fix.


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