Saturday, 1 October 2022

Warwickshire Avon - Quims and Quasimodo's

The upper reaches of the new syndicate stretch I've been fishing I bet has never been fished since its conception. Why would an angler venture up there when the more convenient swims are productive and give up some cracking fish for the spam and bread chucker.

For this roving session after fishing a couple of these swims I decided to cast ones net wider and go and have a wander up 't,very top'

I couldn't see any access for a car so that meant dumping the Jimny and heading up on foot to see a virgin piece of river I'd not set my eyes on before.

The banks were higher here and I was sheltered a little more from the chilly wind where at 7.30am I could have easily donned a pair of gloves. I'd manged two chub up till this point a splasher and a 3lber but I was hoping the cover and much of the swims out of the sun a bigger fish would be up for a munch. 

It was quite pleasant in the sun but once I was out of it, there is no denying we are in Autumn which gave me a reminder to try and find the packet of smelt stuck in the back of the freezer somewhere. 

Pike I bet are preparing themselves for their fattening up period, but then to be honest I feel like that too. My winter coat feels like it's been on for a few weeks now, I was hoping some roving would help with ones podgy predicament. 

It didn't take long to catch the first fish a 3lber that must have taken the breadflake almost immediately because a huge drop back bite when the bait was settling in the flow, before I knew what the heck was going on it had carted off upstream towards some reeds.

I thought it was bigger initially as it was taking line on my dedicated chub set-up but after I turned it, it came in without much drama.

One swim looked absolutely perfect for a chub to be hiding up so after feeding some mashed bread I returned to the swim after fifteen minutes or so and I didn't have to wait long for the tip to go round. 

I don't mess around with bait size for chub, its always large pieces squeezed on to the hook which can waft around in the current attracting any waiting chevin.

Now what a scrap, after one of the most brutal fights I've had in ages of a fish where it bullied me all over the swim and towards every snag possible. The large boil on the surfaced signalled a half decent fish. It was a well, going a smidgin under 5lb when I put it on the scales. 

A very distinctive fish as well with a face only a mother could love. Made me smile though, because boy what a battle. One more fish caught, so 5 in total what a productive morning session. A tinge of colour helps no end on the Warwickshire Avon, I put that to practice. On to the next one, let the better fishing commence !!, fingers crossed anyway blog readers. 


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