Friday, 15 July 2022

Warwickshire Avon - Schwerpunkts and Scribbleomania

A short afterwork session was well worth the trip out because I saw something I'd never seen before in the Warwickshire Avon which hopefully I'll act on once these bought of hot weather has left us.

The river is so low and clear but with a wand rod and a handful of maggots I fancied a few bites from some gudgeon that reside in this gravely stretch.

They didn't disappoint either and were in almost all the swims I fished. A smattering of other species such as roach, perch and small dace but in the main gudgeon.

These swims have pace, so ok I'd like to have fished a float, but a light link ledger set-up is more suited especially when you can get the bait to the bottom much faster.

None of the big'uns showed up but still a welcome sight especially when the sun makes their colours even more vibrant. 

What I didn't expect was a 4lb 8oz chub to dash out of cover and hover up the maggot within a split second of the underarm cast. 

A proper battle ensued but the light rod did a decent of restraining its lunges and it was soon on the net. A short smash and grab session but these are my bread and butter.

The fishing fix ticked off and back before the sun would be properly beating down. 

Short and sweet, love it !!


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