Sunday, 10 July 2022

The River Arrow - Minnow Monsters and Millionocracy

I used to me a proper car nut back in the day and yet an invite over to some friends to see the new Mclaren Artura to be honest, didn't quite give me that 'feeling' that I used to get when seeing nice cars in the metal. I do enjoying seeing the fruits of my labour though and the next round of prototypes on the near 900hp electric 4 door GT I'm working are soon to be underway hence why I'm up to my neck in CAD releases at the minute.  No let up basically, fishing is a great tonic I must admit. 

Ben who loves watching Formula One couldn't wait to get a seat in it mind you and quickly felt at home in the sports car Sam, well he wasn't that bothered either having to cover his ears up when the engine was cranked up. 

I was looking at the cupholder and interior trim, prodding and poking, looking at the gaps and wondering why they didn't do this, and didn't do that !!! how tragic am I. Overall though a great bit of kit, near 200k mind you, but you can see why cars like this cost so much. 

The doors opened really easily and there must have been lots of engineering that went in to that, because I'd imagine those would need a heck of a lot of design and development. But being an old git just getting in and out of the thing was a pain in the backside. 

Anyway it was back to reality with a bang when we got in to the Jimny for this hour long morning session to try and track down some monster minnows, but it suits my needs heck, that's why I bought it, not many new cars I'd spend my own hard money on. 

To be honest I wasn't that bothered in going back the Arrow for a while but Sam had dug out the mini scales and his Star Wars rule the evening before as he wanted to catch a British record minnow and we were good to go, well apart from getting the maggots out from the fridge. It was heading towards 30 degrees later on in the day but with paddle boarding and also a BBQ with friends the gin would be flowing and I'd not manage any fishing and to be honest I'm not a lover of fishing when its a scorcher. 

So it was out with the tried and trusted whip and it really was a bite a chuck and they were up for a feed almost attacking the float as it hit the surface, minnow soup basically where they were even chasing the bare size 18. 

I'd dug out the battery powered livebait bucket and Sam went about the catching the fish before the sun got too much. In-fact stupidly I'd forgot to apply suncream so Sam had to use my cap for some shade. To be honest we were there at 8.30am and the Sun was already doing what it does best. 

Sadly nothing big was caught in this session before we made tracks as this 9 gram fish about the biggest Sam could muster up.

The one caught here last time really was a scale above so I'm sure we will be back to give it another go as I'd love to have known what that one had weighed. !!!

When are minnows at their biggest ? anyone know ? 

We'll be back I'm sure !!!!


  1. When are minnows at their biggest? When you are young... or just young at heart ;o)


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