Saturday, 2 July 2022

Warwickshire Avon - Crank Baits and Cratometers

Sam and I have fished this stretch for many a year now and it is just one of those stretches where no matter the state of the river there is always a bite to be had. 

It helps that it is less than ten minutes away door to door and these ad hoc sessions the stretch is idea for it. Even in these summer levels where you can see the bottom in most swims there are still fish to be had if you know where to look.

Anyway a session of two halves this, as the first hour Sam fished a whip for lots of different species in a couple of swims and got lots of unhooking practice and then switched to a lure rod.

These little crankbaits are ideal to get a bite and perch and chub are really attracted to them. On the first retrieve a nice perch followed it in to the bank and it didn't take Sam long to get a fish on. 

Only a small perch but when a fish gives the lure a proper 'bang', as a fisherman you can understand how lure fishing has taken off over the years.

The minimum of tackle is needed and also it means as an angler you're also getting exercise because naturally it needs a roving approach. 

The method can outwit the fish as well, because having caught quite a few chub here recently of floating bread they definitely have become more cautious using the same tactic. 

The sun was high in the sky and with much of the river illuminated the larger fish often go in to hiding, and there is plenty of cover here and they make full use of it.

This Salmo Hornet is a proper eyecatcher though and that was the changed need to get a bite from a chub.

Sam left the lure to float on the surface and drift under a willow and on the first retrieve a chub grabbed the lure gave him a right good scrap trying to get in to cover. That was it though, no more bites, but an enjoyable session from a cracking little angler. 

Which is what he wants to do when he leaves school apparently as this banner he fashioned up in school when asked what career he wants to do.

It was a YouTuber a few weeks ago but now with the rivers back up and running again, he's be asking me to take him more often now which is encouraging, the only problem is I rarely get to fish myself. 


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