Saturday, 16 July 2022

Warwickshire Avon - Grandiloquent and Grammaticasters

Sam wanted in on the gudgeon malarky, so a shaded swim was chosen away from the suns rays where he fished the light wand rod to get the bait to the bottom as quickly as possible.

After a few pesky perch eventually the gudgeon showed up and quite a few were caught in the short morning session. No monsters but certainly a few gonks turned up amongst the smaller gudgeon. 

These fish are really bold biters so the key to hook-up success was to ignore the pulls and rattles and basically wait for the tip to go round properly.

A few bleak, tiny chub and dace also succumbed to the red maggots and kept Sam entertained throughout the session. I've never seen it so low here to be honest but being a little more oxygenated the fish don't seem to be suffering at all. 

I wanted in on the act though and after an hour or so the first drift down of the floating bread out from cover a black shape appeared and nailed the bread within a split second of it seeing it.

No messing here whatsoever and yet recently they have become more wary of taking the bread off the top and often mess with it without taking it. 

Sam did the netting honours after a bit of a mad battle. At first I thought it could well break the 6lb barrier because it was a proper fatty but it was a short fish and that meant it 'only' went 5lb and 7 ounces on the dials.

A superb specimen though and I love it when chub get this statue. What it would weigh in the winter who knows but it would definitely be a PB fish I'd imagine. A 6lber ain't far away I don't think because certainly the Chevin in the Warwickshire Avon seem to get bigger and bigger year on year. 

I just need to be in the right time and the right place I'm sure and the prize will be mine. 

So a short and sweet session AGAIN but so what, when you catch fish like this I don't mind so much. No barbel were spotted and in-fact many of the swims when walking back to the car seemed devoid of fish, well big ones anyway, plenty of miniature maggot munchers to be caught. 


  1. That's a corker of a summer Chub, in the winter that'll certainly be a "six", they are there Mick.

    1. Cheers James, couldn't believe how fat it was to be fair. If it wasn't for being a short fish it would have made 6 easily

  2. Quality chub, it won’t move far, I’d be down there later in the season!

    1. Cracking fish Darren thanks, as you say winter is when they really pack on the weight to fingers crossed I connect with a 6lber sometime

  3. Blimey that's a brute ! Nice gonks too


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