Thursday, 14 July 2022

Warwickshire Avon - Philistines and Physiognomancy

Probably not the best idea a home concocted spicy prawn curry but a little like fishing, the feelgood meter cranks over to right rather than hovering vertically or well over to the left.

Life is all consuming at the minute, but then it is for many you just need to find those little windows of opportunity to get back control of ones own diary rather than having it dictated by others. 

I didn't really have the urge to go fishing if I'm honest but with the river low I decided a mooch down the new syndicate stretch to check out some spots was a worthwhile exercise.

The weather is going to be hot and humid for a while so venturing out either early doors, or when the sun was setting was probably the best idea. To be honest I didn't have much of a plan but trying to locate some chub via some floating crust and try and spot some areas for a future bait and wait approach. 

This stretch of river like much of the Warwickshire Avon these days does hold some nice chub and a winter campaign is planned here where I'm sure a 6lber would slip up.

The farmer has been busy bailing the hay so the access which was pretty decent anyway was now a breeze. I didn't see the resident owl though as I assume with much of the cover gone for its prey, he might have buggered off somewhere else where the furry four-legged picking were richer.

It didn't take long to find some feeding chub the problem was they were not up for taking the bread off the top. Knocking it, nudging it, staring at it, you name it but not actually taking it properly.

It was clear there was some bigger ones literally hiding deep in the reeds as the odd piece of bread drifted within them and was taken almost immediately. 

The problem was I couldn't get anywhere near them but the key was some slow sinking wetted bread which fell through the water column and was taken almost immediately. 

A decent fight from a summer Chevin but I had to bully it away from the reeds and it was in the net quickly enough. A nice one too at 4lb and 8 ounces but I've no doubt there are some far better ones here to be caught. 

I thought that was the start of things to come but sadly not. The swim went dead and after I found some chub willing to feed off the top in a swim I couldn't reach I decided to get the lure rod out in to dusk.

A small jack pike and a couple of small perch and that was it. There was plenty of big fish topping so I'll be back for me. Heck a fish (possibly be a carp) was surface feeding around some lily pads. I'm going to like it here especially come winter, a 6lb chub will be mine I'm sure and also a PB barbel if I'm lucky.  


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