Friday, 17 June 2022

Warwickshire Avon - Brabeums and Brachymetropia

A scorcher of a day, 30 degrees, clear blue skies and thankfully a breeze, you see I had a small window of opportunity to try and winkle a chub or two off the top before the diary makers got their hold yet again.

Now this is a new water for this new season to add to a couple of others I've added. To be fair I fished this a couple of seasons ago but didn't really give it a good so.

A stretch of convenience which you know I like so this was just a reccy really to check out some of the swims and try and winkle out a chub.

The fry was quite unbelievable really in-fact apart from the river Wye I don't think I've ever seen such a biomass. The river was crystal clear and I could see the bottom in a couple of the deeper swims. I'm talking 8ft swims not shallow ankle waders. 

When the Warwickshire Avon is like this the fishing can be very tough indeed but mind a swim with flow, find a swim with cover, chub can often be found.

The problem was the water was so lethargic there was only really two fishable swims. One though was in the shade which was most welcome in these hot conditions. It'd not going to last though, back to normal tomorrow where it will be 13 degrees less 😐 and rain predicted. 

Still the river could do with some rain, lots of it in-fact but when many find it tough to catch fish in these conditions surface fishing for chub can often bring a bend in the rod when others fall by the wayside. 

The first likely looking swim a chub came up to inspect the bread a few times but it was only when I drifted the bread through the middle of the river where the bread vanished from view and a fish was on.

Ok, ok, not a huge fish in the scheme of things but when the only other fish I could see would barely make an ounce this is about the best one could muster up.

With that retained in the net another one of similar size succumbed to the floating bread within 5 minutes of landing his brother.

And that was that !!! another swim I had a few rises but again tentative nudges and inspections without properly taking the bite. Oh well, I shouldn't moan, I didn't blank and straight after this I went for a well deserved pint. (Blue Monkey Brewery's 99 Red Baboons 👌) 


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