Monday, 6 June 2022

Transient Towpath Trudging - Pt.36

A little run down maybe but during the Ragley Hall air show with the family a sore throat turned in to a horrible cold. Painful sinuses, bunged up nose, headache and a cough symptoms over a couple of days it moved to my chest where I was seemingly coughing up Mike Wazowski

My usual motivation to get fishing wavering big time so I had a couple of well deserved lies in. Still a visit to tramp alley was planned and after packing a float rod and bread as bait I managed to get myself towpath side.

The first boat I stumbled upon was this one with a huge mast displaying its wifi antenna proudly. The next boat had one too, maybe they work from 'home' or something and need to be connected to the grid so to speak. 

Because to be honest a few places I fish have literally no signal whatsoever and it's quite nice being in a mobile blackspot where the world doesn't have any influence all the time I'm fishing.

Anyway back to the fishing, the first swim I fished was the swim I caught the chub from. Minnows were being chased by Zander or Perch as soon as I got there but the other fish were suspicious in their absence. 

I'm sure if I scaled down to a small hook and maggots I'd have gotten a few bites, because I did get the odd bite or two on the float where I assume a small fish was having a good go at trying to engulf the large piece of breadflake. 

I stayed longer that I would usually do because surprisingly the footfall and boat traffic was far less than it is normally he, but the chub, bream, roach or hybrids were nowhere to be seen.  

So I headed to an area where I caught my PB roach from and a fish topped as I was walking up to it, but again after feeding some liquidised bread to prime the swim, after an hour there was nothing doing whatsoever.

In a desperate attempt to get a bite I leapfrogged a section of reeds to try and drop a bait on a fishes head, as that is exactly how I caught the roach before.

Not this session though and after giving it a good go and not particularly feeling brilliant throughout the session I decided to bring the trip out to a closer as bit earlier than planned, and headed back to bed.

I'm still not 100% as I type this but hopefully I'm over the worst of the cold and it can only get better from here. I've oddly enjoyed the canals more than I thought I would not chasing Zander but the rivers being open again are thankfully just round the corner. 


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