Saturday, 4 June 2022

Brook Trout - Warwickshire Tenkara Pt.3

Another busy schedule again today so before the reprobates surfaced from their cratch covers or started up the bow thrusters I was headed up the noisy path to the trout stream. This forgotten water I'm sure is never fished, well if it is I've never seen anybody of the years. 

To be fair further downstream where it is much deeper there is a stretch where a fluff chucking fee payer has put a smile on the farmers face by crossing his palm with, in my opinion far too much silver. He has it all to himself though, so welcome to my world. 

Now these are wild brook trout after all so not exactly tackler testers because let's be honest they don't grow very big in waters like this. The nearby Alne a tributary of the Warwickshire Arrow is where the larger ones reside but closed season applies in these mostly leased waters. 

Now I'm re-joining an angling club I was a member of many moons ago because I actually miss fishing smaller waters for coarse fish because not only are they often overlooked, but because they offer fishing in solitude outside of the odd match that takes places in some of the waters.

For two weeks before the river season starts though with a newly purchased club card you can fish the fly on a river I've never caught a trout on before and that is the Warwickshire Stour. 

The upper reaches are much better suited to trout being shallower and pacier, where as the middle and lower is your more traditional coarse fishing affair. That would have to wait for another session though as I didn't have time to venture over to there especially when an hour and a half fishing time would probably be about the most I could muster up. 

Now a Thai Street food affair at one of the local pubs the afternoon before the air was filled the repeat of lemongrass and the sounds of satay but before the fish wondered who the heck this imposter was, hopefully I'd winkle out a fish on the dry fly. 

They was still a decent amount of mayfly activity and when I got flowside there were some raving on the surface and some completely lifeless. 

I thought I was in for a few fish but cast after cast, nudge after nudge with the fly floating nicely down the brook I there was nothing doing whatsoever.

The key was a move where I followed the stream downstream where it was a little more secluded. To be honest it was difficult to fish but after a couple of drifts down a confident rise and a fish was on. 

To be honest a decent fight on the pencil thin Tenkara rod where it took me all over the shop but eventually the game was up and it was safely in the net.

Ok only a small fish but who cares a lovely fish on the dry fly and at least it was bigger than the last fish I caught. This is Bards country after all. Trout are rare creatures in these parts, but it just goes to show what can be achieved in fishing these wild small streams and brooks on your doorstep. Give them a go, you never know what you will find. 


  1. I'm really enjoying your blog. Fascinating for me, someone who travels up from Oxfordshire - whose fishing exploits in Warwickshire have been limited to the large club waters in the area. Such a joy to hear of your success on the small streams that I have always enjoyed. Best regards

    1. Cheers Aaron, plenty of other little brooks to explore too, they are often overlooked and I'm sure if other anglers give them a go they will be amazed too.


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