Sunday, 14 August 2022

Warwickshire Avon - Fluffing and Flummery

Some relief from the heat in the air-conditioned carpet shop was most welcome as B&Q was like an oven.

Anyway a little like Sam I haven't got the enthusiasm to go fishing really, although he recently won a Cadence competition where he is going to get a 4m pole and also a fishing cap, so as soon as those turn up he wants to try it out.

Now I did go fishing honest guv, but when I got bankside I'd forgotten my phone and I could be bothered to go and get it as that would have been a 20 minute round trip. 

Thankfully no 6lb chub were caught but 3 succumbed to surface bread (the biggest 4ish) and all from the same swim. 2 other swims tried, nada !!!!

I only fished an hour and a half at a squeeze and when I got home to find out where I'd left my phone I could have gone somewhere else I suppose, but...

...nah, not feeling it, got some DIY to do and I HATE DIY 💩


  1. I'm sorry, no DIY should take place until the depths of winter. Or never in my case.

    1. We've never heard the last of that shelf you put up

    2. Needs must no choice :(

    3. No choice.....pffffff. Unless there's a hole in your roof you have a choice 😆

    4. Room rejigging, playroom now Sam's bedroom not my makeshift office and Sam's bedroom dedicated office. The small office space downstairs a much needed cloakroom. Anything for an easy life basically, got to get it done !!

  2. DIY , DECORATING AND GARDENING…, in my opinion are a waste of life hours …


    1. They are indeed Baz, my next door neighbour, retired, that's his life all three basically !!


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