Sunday, 28 August 2022

Warwickshire Avon - Dog'os and Dontopedalogy

So I'm finding the fishing a little tough at the minute but fish maggots and the smaller fish are always up for a munch. Here there are plenty of bites to be had especially from the Rudd where they are often queuing up in numbers and take the grubs falling through the water almost in bleak ferocity. 

Sam wanted in obviously but mainly because he wanted to "bring the predator rod, to try and catch a zander, pike or perch. 

To be fair Sam was right on the money as within seconds of getting a bait out the meandering float started to bob and then sailed right under.

After a few seconds though the fish whatever it was spat the bait out and Sam was back to square one. These are predators though and after the bait went back the fish must have taken almost the fish on the drop. 

Only a little jack but it gave Sam the runaround and ticked off his predator craving. The rudd were suspicious in their absence but because most fish caught on the whip were skimmers and perch, but as soon as the light started to go the bites all of a sudden became thick and fast.

After the initial quick bite on the predator rod though it was very quiet indeed. Surprisingly quiet really because we were expecting some perch as well to be interested. 

To be honest there was another reason that we both wanted to come here and that was to meet Tess, Nic from Avon Angling Uk's new golden retriever.

And what a lovely little pup she his too, and already quite well behaved considering her age. Hopefully Tess will make a great fishing companion given time, no reason why either they are a great breed. 

Anyway a few bites but a little disappointing considering what can happen here when the maggots start flowing.

Still come father and son bonding which is always most welcome especially when we have a shared passion. So where to go what to do ? The Hallowed deserves a visit me thinks, I'm not really feeling the rivers at the minute. 


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