Wednesday, 10 August 2022

Lanzarote - Tsunami's and Toreumatography

The little beach in Playa Blanca is not for the feint hearted you see when the ferry comes bundling in to the port after leaving Fuerteventura, the lifeguards who have been on their phones for the duration of your stay, all of sudden jump to attention and start to earn their euros. 

The forgettable breakwaters turns in to a full on tsunami where kids and pushchairs are swept away if you're not careful. 

Now we became fully initiated with this 'event' a good while ago so Ben who is in the wave in the picture actively seeks them out, as he loves a 'sensory overload' even if its sea based rather than Alton Towers based. From stationary to being swept off his feet in a split second, he loves !!!!

There are fish swimming around your feet here which is nice, feed bits of bread and the fish will come. Only tiddlers though, but keeps the kids entertained. 

Anyway better get on to the fishing !!!

A slight change of plan for this one as fashioned up a running rig and would fish prawn on the bottom. 

You see I fancied to see what else I could muster up from these interesting waters where it's always a lottery on what will turn up.

These are largely under-fished waters well from the shore anyway, but is there a good reason for that ?

Well yeah, because sea fishing ain't easy as you think ?

I've only dipped my toe in but especially for the bigger fish, but they don't let themselves up easily.

Some of the mullet were huge, I mean proper huge, so a change of tactic throw up anything bigger ?

Now this was almost the perfect swim for fishing on the bottom. Some large rocks close in and to my left but almost straight out in front a clean bottom to try and catch some bottom dwellers. 

The problem was it was clear as soon as the bait hit the bottom with my bag to support the rod the small fish were straight on to it.

Maybe some chorizo might have been the better option but after the third cast after reducing the size of the bait I had the first Canary damsel on the end. These were in numbers in the few areas I've been fishing and they are stunning looking fish in the crystal clear waters.

Fellow blogger Toodle had given me a few tips but reducing the size of the bait (half a prawn) did the trick for this capture. 

Any another 5 or 6 afterwards before I ran out of prawns !!! They varied in black and blueness, such a pretty little fish. 

Anyway a small lizard fish got in on the act but the final fishing session went as well as I wanted it to as I managed another one of the target species as they were the first fish to be seen on the first session. 

So overall a really enjoyable holiday, ok, only a couple of hours here and there but I like fishing known waters.

Next time though I might scale right down and do some LRF fishing, not only will I'm sure throw up more species but would take less room in the case too. 

I'll be back, now where's that McEwans's Champion, Tropical can do one !!!


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