Tuesday, 2 August 2022

Lanzarote - Puffers and Pupillography

Lanzarote has always felt like a second home, a special place where for a holiday that relaxing, and chilling is required it’s hard to beat.

Now I’d acquired a new 8ft Sonik travel rod and enough bits and pieces to fish lures and also a float.

Anyway only a short session this when the rabble were chilling where upon arrival at some rocks near the diving sculptures Museum Atlantico by Jason deClaires Taylor.

After throwing in some bread some fish started to show straight away but they were small blue almost black fish where I think my size 6 hooks were a little too big.

A grunting small puffer fish succumbed to the bread flake eventually but bites were hard to connect to for some reason.

The lure was fruitless but I fancy catching a lizard fish so I will keep on plugging away. Anyway eventually back on the float again some proper bites where the float buried straight under and I connected to something that was pulling back.

Yes it turned out the fish on the end was a mullet !! Ok only a small one but two new species ticked off I’m not complaining 😍

Anyway I’m typing this on the Wife’s iPad so short and sweet, but most enjoyable indeed 


  1. Probably Canary damselfish - one of the commonest species around there along with ornate wrasse. Small mouths - size 10 Sabpolo wormers!

    1. Wish I knew that before I came stunning looking fish need to try and get some smaller hooks somehow and maybe gear myself up with a lrf outfit next time

  2. Wahooooo mullet well done. Must be a few different species there too I guess.

    1. Yeah some huge ones around not interested though thus far

  3. What and amazing looking fish - the puffer - want to catch one now!

    1. Was a cracking little fish Brian loads of character 😀


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