Saturday, 28 January 2023

Warwickshire Avon - Rodizio and Rodomontade

My dads ashes scattered at his favourite fishing lake, peg 11 his favourite according to the chairman who was there. My mum with something else ticked off her list !!!

Very apt, a dead mans shoes lake, someone on the waiting list will get to enjoy it like he did over the years. 

Anyway to the fishing, as Gale mentioned in his blog post little and often is the key to my fishing these days....

Take this session, a convenient location, the target chub, 2 hours max....

You see a rare day and night out with her indoors to indulge ourselves on Picanha, Tri-Tip and Alcatra and other meat delights !!! 

Red and Green card at the ready !!!

27 days without a drink, yeap even some red wine too, after a trip to the local for some ale naturally !!  

The fishing well, tough to be honest, with the river clearing at a fast rate dusk is the best time for the bigger fish.

2 bites this scraper 3lber and a one hook pull sadly on one of the biggest chub I have seen for a while.

Bugger !!!

Better go, things to do, people to see etc !!!


  1. I’m a member of that lake Mick it’s 200 yards from my door . A very beautiful lake and history .


    1. Didn't know you lived in the village Baz !!, but yes a lovely location, used to be crucians in the duck pond too when I used to fish it as a kid, not sure what's in it now though.

    2. Carp , roach , Rudd , perch , a pair of gudgeon, chub , dace , goldfish and a grass carp 😬

  2. Membership is no longer a waiting list either … lovely true crucians in there . I barely see another soul when I fish it .
    Baz peck

  3. Same here, clear river = dusk in to dark every time.


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