Monday, 9 January 2023

Warwickshire Avon - Cannibals and Canophilia

A cannibal movie with a difference ? Okay, saying the main character has morals might be going a bit too far, but still. 

I mean, he is very honest about wanting to eat a person. And he doesn’t do anything until the person has signed a contract. 

So there’s that !!!
You see Feed Me I watched the other day when I couldn't sleep begins when Jed finds himself desperate to escape this world. 

His life was shattered when his wife, Olivia who dies very suddenly and Jed feels directly responsible. 

Unfortunately for Jed , he finds himself in a bar with Lionel Flack  just when his depression is at its worst. 

Lionel Flack is a truly deranged cannibal, who convinces Jed that he can redeem himself of his guilt. All he has to do is go through the glorious act of letting himself be eaten to death. Slowly! Now many horror movies when they have to choose between holding back or moving forward into the really uncomfortable moments, they throw themselves (and the story) deep into the uncomfortable.

However, since comedy and dark humour is also key part of their storytelling, it just works. Well, for me anyway. Just don’t try to eat anything while watching this horror comedy!

Anyway to the fishing, best laid plans and all that !!!!

I should read the river levels before venturing out next time shouldn't I 🙈

You see I hatched a plan the evening before and the gear sorted in anticipation was a waggler for some dace or roach where Eric bagged up recently, and also have a pike float out in the margin for some double dipping.

Eric was fishing bread punch and managed a net full of a nice stamp of roach and I wanted in on it, the problem was the river had risen considerably overnight and not only was it motoring through, which meant no chance of getting the pike rod out, but after an hour fruitless trotting it was clear the fish were having none of it. 

So on to the next venue just down the road where at least I knew there would be a couple of slack swims I could fish for the pike.

One of the swims I had no choice to get in to the drink to get anywhere the slack but after an hour I headed back upstream to another swim where I caught a nice fish a few months back. 

This swim was perfect with the float as you can see to the left of the picture was sat perfectly in the fairly deep swim.

Now I fully expected a bite from a Pike, but that bite never materialised. Even the bait fish that are here in numbers didn't show up with the odd fish right over at the far side topping occasionally. 

One of those wasted sessions really as the canal would have been a far better option, or sitting and chilling in ones fishing armchair waiting for that 3ft twitch from a barbel, or even have a lie in dread the thought !!

Oh, well you live and learn !!, can we have some stable conditions, please, pretty please

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