Tuesday, 8 November 2022

Warwickshire Avon - Stukkies and Stultiloquence

I didn't expect all the gifts I received for my birthday, the boy done good, especially when my mate Steve handed me a huge hamper that instantly raised ones eyebrows, because it was filled with all the niceties that he knew wouldn't be regifted. 

Champagne, port, black bomber, stilton etc etc, the Wife and I made a good dent in it Sunday evening, as we did the Biltong from my sister, to remember the good times we had in South Africa as kids. 

She knows me so well, sadly no springbok which used to be the mainstay but beef a decent substitute. Anyway enough of that, to the fishing !!!

Syndicate member George not only let me in the gate for this in to dark session but he lent me one of his leads because stupidly in the rush to get out the door to head to the office, I left some of the gear in the garage. Now two unstoppable fish have manage to escape the clutches of George and Dave recently and that's why we were both here for this session.

I dropped in the paste wrapped boilie and a PVA bag filled with garlic meat and pellets half an hour before dusk and was hoping that the rod would wrap round. Anyway to cut a long story short, only some tentative taps for me and the same for George (in his prebaited swim) well in to dark and Dave fishing further downstream on another stretch had the same outcome.

It only takes one bite though and these short visits are ideal because like I said to George, there is a PB beater here and I'm here for the ride. On to the next one !!!


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