Tuesday, 29 November 2022

Warwickshire Avon - Mathematicasters and Metapsychology

I cannot believe just how fast the colour is dropping out of the Warwickshire Avon, a couple of days ago Augustus Gloop would have been revelling in the milk chocolate coloured clarity, and yet now I've drank similar coloured water from taps in countries where bottled water is a necessity.  

The water temperature has plummeted I'd imagine, so the unsuccessful barbel targeting of late, will become even more unsuccessful till conditions improve. 

There is now well over a foot of visibility I'd say and then some !!!

With my last errands for the family ticked off (had to register my Dad's death officially) I fancied a try for a Zander and also a chub.

This convenient stretch has been good to me over the years and it looked in fine fettle when I got there so it was a formality ? But then this is fishing isn't it, sadly there isn't a rule book.  

So it was out my my Depth Bombs and probably the best batch of cheesepaste I've ever made. The first swim I've caught Zander and Pike (River PB) from before and numerous chub so it was stupid of my to think it was a formality to get a bite.

I gave it a good hour but nothing, so it was time for a move. I put in some nuggets of paste when I left as I might well return as the light was going to give it another go. 

Another 6 or 7 swims fished with only the odd nibble on cheesepaste this wasn't going well. These sort of river bites show up pretty quick if the fish are there, but with it being colder overnight maybe they were laying up with their thermals on. It was quite pleasant in the sun until it disappeared behind the trees and the mist started to appear.

It was brass monkey's and thankfully I didn't remove that extra layer and leave it in the car that I did think about doing when I started the session. 

Eventually within a couple of minutes of the cheesepaste landing in one of the last swims I fished a sharp pull was followed by a proper bite and a fish was on. Sadly on the first bend of the rod only a chublet but at least I hadn't blanked.

I couldn't fish the predator rod in most of the swims because of the pace so I returned to where I started for a last gasp rod bender but sadly it didn't happen. Half an hour after dusk I decided to make a retreat with ones tail between my legs and will return when conditions have settled a bit. 


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