Sunday, 6 February 2022

Warwickshire Avon - Rod Rippers and Roentgenography

It's quite amazing what a bit of warmth from the sun can do for the wellbeing and ok, it was windy, very windy but there was certainly a sign that spring was on the way.

The river was on the rise because of all the rain we had overnight and in the morning but having woken after a decent nights kip it was either go fishing, or have a well deserved lie in. So fishing it was and I fancied a bite or two for this trip out as a few blanks now isn't exactly fun now is it.

So chub it was !!!!

I blanked for chub here last time however it is usually a productive stretch and I find with the waters warming and some extra water on the fish can be well up for a feed.

Despite the recent rise of the river it was perfectly fishable so it was just a matter of dropping in to the deserted swims to try and drop on to a fish. I rarely see another angler here in the winter and I still don't understand why because its a lovely roving stretch and often some nice fish to be caught. 

Tactics well, no feed today but bread discs folded in half, pinched and the size 6 hook pierced through it, where I'd quietly lower the bread in to the swims and let the bread visually do the work. 

The clarity was still pretty clear but there was a slight tinge of colour and that would no doubt help proceedings. It felt much milder today and I'm sure early in to next week I might give the Barbel a go as I'm sure they would be up for a feed in much kinder conditions. 

Anyway how did I get on ?

Well the fish bite came within minutes of the bread offering settling to the bottom and that was the smallest fish caught in the two and a half hour session.

Probably a scraper two pounder but the next bite in the same swim came from something bigger and after giving me the run around eventually it was netted. A 4lber, and most welcome indeed on my balanced chub tackle. 

There are plenty of swims to go at here and after returning both fish I went upstream to fish the other swims where I got drop a bait in to.

The river was whirling and swirling but away from the chaos there are places for sanctuary from all the disturbance. There was all manner of debris coming down the river but certain swims are perfect to fish confidently and it turned in to a fantastic and rewarding session.

6 fish caught with one fish sadly lost to a snag that didn't give me an early warning whatsoever as just like that the rod was nearly ripped from the rest and the fish had motored downstream within a split second, doing me over good and proper.

The biggest as pictured went 4lb and 8 ounces and was a proper short and chunky mint fish that will one to catch in the future I'm sure. None of the bigger fish turned up but a really enjoyable session and all is good in Mick's world again. I do love catching chub, up there as one of my favourite species. 


  1. Replies
    1. I've seen read your session, bloody hell :) you want forget that one in a while !!


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