Wednesday, 9 February 2022

Warwickshire Avon - Robin Robin and Roboreans

Now the robin is the anglers best friend in winter when the other piscatorial pastime pursuers hang up their rods for the winter months "because its too cold" or "the fishing is tough", "my fingers hurt" and lucky because of those sort of responses from many, the river banks are generally quieter. 

This year particularly, more than any other year these lovely red breasted birds really have been up for feathered friendship and have graced my rod on more than a few occasion recently. 

I've been using maggot more I suppose but even when I've just been piking with deadbaits they certainly see more active of late and hang around to find what food stuff this fisherman can give them.

Even some Pad Thai left-overs I had in a food flask from an evening before (pic below) was enjoyed it seemed. Ok I spared it the birds eye chills but a couple of tiger prawns were pulled apart, the peanuts eaten and noodles sucked and sucked again. 

Now talking about Robin's an Aardman animation film has been nominated for an award at this year's Oscars. The Bristol-based production company's animated short film Robin Robin which was released on Netflix last year is up for Best Animated Short Film at the 94th Academy Awards.

The short but sweet plot of the film revolves around Robin who is a lovable but awkward bird facing an identity crisis, who after being adopted by a family of burglar mice, devises the most mischievous of plans, stealing an entire sandwich.

Anyway for this session I fancied trying for a barbel down at about the only part of the Warwickshire Avon I've fish I can properly fish in to dark. The problem is here the barbel numbers are few and far between but hook in to one, the probability is high it will be a double figure fish and above.

So I was expecting a blank but I'd arrive with dusk very much on the countdown and leave not long after it. So travel light, one rod, pva bag of freebies and a pungent boilie bait to try and get any fish in the area to home in on it. 

I hate sitting around waiting for bites so for me sessions for barbel have to be short and this one was certainly one of them. 

Still there are some nice Chub here though, so one of those would do and I'd a new jacket turn up this week (Grey's All Weather Parka) and wanted to give it an airing. I haven't got a truly waterproof coat and being all weather it means that all manner of testing conditions can now be braved (well fingers crossed anyway)

To cut a long story short the first swim fished well in to dark there wasn't even a pluck or a tap, so I moved upstream and fish for half an hour again without a bite or a nibble.

It was the last but final swim that finally produced some action but the tell-tale pulls it was a chub, or chublet. It didn't take long for the fish to hook itself either and after a spirited fight that was no match for the landing net I unhooked it in the water and let it go back to where it came from.

Still it was a pleasant evening and the highlight was the resident barn own that came to say hello, well not quite as around 10 foot from me, it realised I was there and double-backed on itself. 

You don't get to see that sat at home on the sofa now do you, so ok, a disappointing result but not unexpected and to be honest, it's not all about catching fish now is it. 


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