Friday, 1 January 2021

Warwickshire Avon - Selenophobes and Semantology

I don't know why but I've never done that well when the moon has been full. When I was getting the gear together for a chub session in the morning, I did wonder if I was doing the right thing, but then with the 2 week break coming to an end, I'd only regret not going out. 

I don't know where the time has gone either, it's flown by. 

The Wife has been actively encouraging me to go because she knows for one, I don't do lie-ins and I'd either be twiddling my thumbs and annoying bed loving her, and  secondly, the wellbeing it boosted, the moods, less so. 

Now talking about boosts, I had fresh coriander on beans on toast served to me by a work mate Pravin's Wife many moons ago and I've done it ever since. 

It's one of those herbs that you love or hate I suppose because the Wife doesn't like it freshly sprinkled like this, even on curry's and the like, I have to disguise it in food.

I had originally planned to fish for roach where I noticed the groundbait mix contained coriander but after the almost static session yesterday I fancy doing what I do best and that's rove around.

There is a no better stretch than this too and I've not fished it for a while, but I've always done ok for Chub, some good fish too, fish over 5lb.

5lb has been surpassed now though and a Warwickshire Avon 6lber is now a target after struggling to catch one for ages, now I've caught quite a few over that monkey off my shoulder weight.

Clear skies meant a hard frost and it actually felt cold for this session, the previous two or three, I've not really noticed the mercury has rarely risen over the 1 degree indicator.

I didn't have any white bread so it was a cheespaste only morning, to be fair, given the choice when the water is still coloured (although clearing) cheesepaste would get my vote anyway, it's a veritable Chevin banker.

The water had that nice tinge of green but I know from experience here that if the water is a knats nadger too high here then sometimes you can struggle.

I know which swims have the slacks though, and it helps some of the stretch is full of cover and bends to slow the flow in places.

The banker swim usually produces a fish within minutes of the bait being out, but not this morning. In-fact I don't think I can remember a session here in the winter when I've failed to pick up one fish.

Swim after swim though I was biteless, some of the swims can be fished almost freelining the paste despite the main flow bombing through. There was just nothing doing at all, not good.

So the first session of the New Year came with a blank. When I think about it though, ok the Avon has dropped considerably over the past few days, but it's been over the banks here, and I'm sure the fish were just not up for a feed till they can get to find their feet again.

So yes, back out again in the morning, make hay and all that. I fancy a bite though, so a sleeper rod out for Pike and I'll try for some roach me'thinks....


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