Tuesday, 26 December 2017

Warwickshire Avon - Slacks and Sunrises

The short morning session was uneventful, the river well up and on the rise and with it being chocolate brown and a load of debris bombing down I knew it would be tough. True to form despite fishing the few available slacks with cheese paste to try and christen my new rod sadly no Chub were obliging.

The weather is on the turn also with possibly snow overnight, if that doesn't materialise then the rain will, and there looks like we well have a proper good amount too.

So looks like Canal Zander might be on the cards towards the end of the week, we'll see. There is an area I'd like to try that has become recently available that I reckon would make a nice sanctuary for a Big Zander.

Sometimes it's just nice being out though, the sunrise was cracking....


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