Sunday, 27 August 2017

Warwickshire Avon – Gonks and Gastrophilanthropists

Cheal’s of Henley is a fantastic fine dining restaurant we visit from time to time, and ok, some of the food is a bit fancy and dare I say it pretentious for some, canapés, amuse-bouches and petit fours proceed or follow with the various courses. However despite the more delicate and incredibly well presented plate(s) we always leave with full bellies and obviously well lubricated.

If it’s not your thing however, there is always something for the banausic palette, the freshly cooked and warm bread rolls and soda bread with two different butters is something so simple but pleasurable, and a second load to be despatched is only a hand raise away.

Simple pleasure in life, nothing wrong with a that….

A desert wine or Glass of Port after the cheese to finish, it’s an evening that gives me so much satisfaction, well only after I put my hands over my eyes and punch in the numbers with my imaginary headwand when the bill arrives.

We are only here for a visit, I keep telling myself, life’s not a dress rehearsal….

I was planning on fishing bread for Chub on a sleeper rod, whilst Sam and I targeted the resident Gonks but I’d probably get more bites than my peripheral vision could cope with so it was out with the more refined

So for this session it was out with the Michelin Stars….

I’d some steak left over, and having caught Chub before using it, I hoped the bites were less frequent but more violent.

Sam had his fishing rod complete with a float setup to drop down the edge, bait well, stupid question really, a maggot or two.

The morning sun up, the sky clear when we got to the river it was gin clear and I knew the fishing would be tough. We fished 3 four swims in the end luckily some fish were caught.

Gudgeon, dace, perch and bleak all fell to maggot on the float rod and the last swim with a chunk of steak cast the bait to it was tight to the far bank cover. It didn't take long either.

Tap, bang, wham the rod hooped over....

Strike, hmmm I didn't connect to the fish.

Again, the steak tight to the cover.

Tap, bang, wham the fish was on. With all the side strain I could muster the Chub was snag bound, I could see his flanks int he water and it was a BIG chub, sadly after a seconds the fish was off, the 4lb hooklink breaking below the knot on the quick change swivel.

Damn, could well have been a PB beater.

Despite another piece being in the same place, no more bites.

Sam left satisfied with another species to add to his list, I left with the tail between my legs.

On to the next session, carp and zander me thinks...


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