Thursday, 10 March 2016

So that's my plan scuppered ?

I had planned to try and put in a last gasp challenge to try and maintain my long standing 2nd place on the Bloggers challenge River leader board but yesterdays huge dumping of rain and already saturated ground has probably put paid to that. I had two sessions planned, both were to try and target the local river Zander.

This screen grab from the riverlevels website just shows how bad it is at the minute. My youngest sons school was closed due to the local road closures. The Warwickshire Stour went up 3 metres from it's usual 0.5 metres, Shipston Town was flooded and there were roads in and out of Stratford that I've never seen with flood water until yesterday, all a bit of a nightmare.

I should have watched the weather more closely as doubt will become fishable before the season ends. Then again happy to be beaten by the unbeatable James Denison and Sean's  huge Warwickshire Avon Pike deserves an award of its own.

I might well have to start my closed season Zander challenge, and the quest for a cut double early.

Blogger Challenge 2015/2016 as of 10/03/16 


  1. My weekend plans have been drowned as well mate. had a nice 5lb chub in my sights and maybe another double figure barbel to round this off. Still got a days fishing planned for Monday.... think a 4lb perch would be nice.

  2. Sods law and all that Martin, just as things were picking up too.

  3. Think the Bure will be okay again by Saturday though no doubt I'love risk it tomorrow. Safety of a stillwater this arvo.

  4. Don't write the Avon off yet for a zander Mick. If the river drops enough I might have a tip for you for a last minute zander or two ;)

    1. Dan, any tips welcome. My rods are set up ready to go and I've a freezer full of deadbait :)

      I've a couple of spots I might give a go but needs to drop significantly, don't want to fish the cut just yet.

    2. Well the Stour looks fishable as dropped as quickly as it rose but looks like now tomorrow morning is the only chance I'll get to fish. :( Doubt the Roach will be feeding and the Chub are not the biggest.

      If you've any ideas Dan give me a text / email quick :) might be able to get a couple of hours Monday at a push.

  5. Avon at Warwick is only 0.70m up on the level from Tuesday (approx 2 foot 4ins) be a lot lower by morning. Definatly fishable by then I'll be giving it a go.

    1. I've a plan, I'm fishing the cut tomorrow and the river well in to dark on Monday, hopefully the river fish have got themselves sorted by then.

  6. This brings it home how bad it is


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