Anyway before the curry we'd had a couple of Ale's in the Pup and Duckling a few doors down and also to buy some of the imperial stouts of their well stocked shelves from where we entered the vibrant and busy restaurant which is so nice to see.
It's a small space so the tables are rather close together but to be honest that didn't overly bother me and the service was excellent, like a military operation, where every member of staff knew the task in hand.
Many other hospitality businesses like this are finding it tough to just to make a living because that spare cash for the punter is harder to find these days with the cost of living spiralling, not helped with the various tax and business related rises to come in April.
Most cut their cloth to suit and meals out are a luxury these days even though it's good for the soul, which for us it was out with the mango lassi palate cleanser before we ordered our food for the evening and we got onto eating the warm poppadoms and the various dips, when out of the blue my phone 'pinged' literally as my nihari lamb chops starter turned up (tasty but I'd have liked them spicier) and the waiter put down a dish of dry ice, yes really !! . The dry ice was all very dramatic at first but fizzled out like my fishing has been this year. 👀. All very Insta !! (no I haven't got an account !!).
Anyway the ping to disturb putting the world to rights was a WhatsApp message on the syndicate group from George who was fishing at the Untrodden had caught his biggest ever chub EVER, not just from the Warwickshire Avon where he managed a 5lber recently after years of trying. This latest one went 5lb and 15 ounces and had beaten his long time PB off the Hampshire Avon which went 5lb and 12 ounces.
A cracking fish and I no doubt will think George will get that six pounder next with the way his chub captures have been going recently, as he is definitely on a bit of a purple patch and in-fact he actually caught another PB from the River Leam after 13 years of trying, however I'll leave that for him to tell you on his blog 🤞 . The season is running out though and I've still not had a barbel for ages, even though we know there are some on this stretch to be caught.
I have decided to get myself down to the Wye though before the season end because the weather looks fair for a few more days before the temperature drops again as we head in to next week. Sooooo little time and so much to do. I also fancy trying for a pike here before the drawbridge comes down, and George fishing meat, managed a 7lb pike on the same session. 😀
I'm going to make changes in the new season to explore more waters and cast my net wider however this stretch will no doubt still factor in, because well, it's like our own little utopia away from prying eyes, and there just happens to be some nice fish caught to boot. It helps that I'm the closest as well, and more often than not, I've got it all to myself.
Anyway for this session I decided to give some pimped up spam I've had on the go for a while. Astaxanthin powder, phall curry powder and some garlic oil to hopefully tickle a barbel's tastebuds, which has been in and out of the freezer more times than Buffalo Si's deadbaits to that the flavours infuse ☺.
Whatever happened to garlic spam anyway ? despite me and others writing to Hormel Foods Corporation they are yet to appear on the shelves again. I'm sure their share price would jump if they only took heed of the cry of help from me and other maggotdrowners.
My standard pellet / paste wrapped boilie approach doesn't seem to be working of late, well for the Barbel anyway, because all I seem to be catching is chub, chub and more chub.I've huge confidence in fishing with meat, in-fact most of the doubles I've caught and also my PB have come to the spam (other brands available)
I like catching chub as they are probably my favorite species because I catch them using various methods and they do seem to feed all year round from the hottest of days, to the coldest of winters.
Anyway as per the norm here of late, a short session after work where I'd arrive before dusk and fish an hour in to dark which would be around 7.30pm.
Two rods for this one, meat on one rod and boilie and paste wrap on the other with some pellets pinged in initially to get any fish in the area grubbing about. I decided to venture up to the area where I spotted a big'un and set one's stall out. It's a swim of features and if I'm going to meet something to put a decent bend in the barbel rod, it's a creature of habit I was hoping for.
Anyway enough waffle better get fishing !!!
Well the river had that grey colour like these floor tiles and I knew I would be lucky to get a bite, and Nic was out trotting maggots on the Avon in a couple of decent swims earlier with not much to show for it. I've fished it enough to know it is likely to be bust rather than boom and after getting the rods out heading in to dusk without even a chub pull in to dark would likely be no better.
Sure enough dusk came and went and I gave it a good go well in to dark but nothing materialised whatsoever. The fish were definitely putting their fins up and to be honest what I should be doing, so with the wind picking up I decided to head home and get one with the fishes with this rather nice stout.
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