A lot of people think that dreams are boring and not worth discussing. But it has now been scientifically proved that they are incredibly important really and not boring at all because they reveal our character, our past, our future, and sometimes our friends' future, if we really know how to interpret them. In fact, the most boring dream you ever had will have more meaning than the most significant event in your so-called waking reality.
There are about one thousand theories about dreams, why we have them, what they mean, how long they last, whether we can have them when we are awake, what is illusion and what is fantasy, is life but a waking dream and so on. Some of these are a bit complicated and not very interesting, okay, but the subject is so important and I've read so many really freaky Test Your Own Dream Power books that I think I should go through them one by one. So, like, get your cup of tea now, okay?
The first one is that dreamland, the so-called Land of Nod, is in fact more real than the world we think is real because the one that's really real we always forget about as soon as we get out of bed so that it seems less real to us than the real one. But this Land of Nod is a special, magic realm where all the little everyday things we tend to take for granted become incredibly important for reasons we can never quite understand.
This brings me back to the question on which this second theory rests. In fact, some people think it's the question on which the whole of life rests. It's the heaviest question you could ever be asked, heavier than anything that's ever been on Mastermind. It is: WHAT IS REALITY?
I don't know.
The second theory about dreams is not quite as interesting as the first one. In fact, it's probably the most uninteresting one there is, apart from the six hundred and fifty seventh, which we'll be coming to a bit later.Are you ready for this?
The sort of dreams you have depends on what you have just had to eat, or what you've had during the day if you happen not to have been to the toilet before you went to bed.
So if you've eaten a really heavy hamburger, full of additives and sugar and salt and carbohydrates and colouring and blood and insecticides and nuclear waste and meat, you'll almost definitely dream about being a cowboy, surrounded by nuclear power plants, and you'll be shooting at everything.
And every time the burger turns a corner in your intestine the dream will get more violent until the whole Mexican army, who have really bad teeth and don't look very well, gun you down like at the end of Bonnie and Clyde, except it's not blood that comes out of the bullet holes but little worms of meat, like a Big Mac being pushed through a mincer.
On the other hand, if you've just eaten a wholesome, satisfying, totally alternative plate of kidney beans, you'll most likely dream about running through the woods with Kate Beckinsale with sitar music playing . Or if the beans weren't soaked properly, you'll probably find that the meadow is a bit marshy in places and, if you've been really greedy, it will turn into a steaming, smelly quicksand that swallows you up.
Stilton Cheese and Port, don't even go there !!!
This theory shows how important it is for you to avoid constipation. Imagine what all those dreams piling up inside of you could do to the karma of your dreamworld. You could start getting really weird dreams about meat oozing out of quicksands, or cowboys playing the sitar.
So you could say that when you go to the toilet you're just getting rid of all your used dreams. Maybe that's why it's such a good place for writing songs! Hey!
I sometimes wonder what sort of dream you'd have if you'd swallowed three packets of bubble-gum? Or a lump of coal? Or a very long shopping-list? That would be a pretty boring dream, I suppose. Not that being boring makes it less important. This theory's quite a boring theory but it's probably true.
Sometimes the truth is boring. Right?
Well for me, another black cloud is hanging over the work situation, which will be the third time in 5 years 👿 EV cars don't you know, yeap very polarising especially where markets and consumers are concerned, so I suppose we were due another cull of staff, or a boot up the arse altogether. We should know more on Monday, but we will see but for some.
An escape from reality would be nice now wouldn't it. Last weekend was perfect, a proper decent turn out from the lads and Seb Fontaine, Slipmat and Dave Pearce (and others) providing the low down frequencies that really were getting back to the old skool raving I used to do. Loved it !!
So I wasn't exactly feeling it post the recent announcement, but I needed to get out and go fishing for some much needed fresh air and to try and catch a fish ot three. So I was back chasing Zander up at an area that provided some much needed rod bending this time last season where we assumed they were queued up for some bukkake action. So out with the smelt, out with the roach, lets get fishing !!!
Half an hour in to the fishing a bite came out of the blue on the smelt rod and it was a confident bite as well, but I pulled the bait out of the fishes mouth when I tightened up to the circle hook. Hmmmm two more similar bites where I didn't connect to the fish it usually only means one thing and that is small zedlets. It could well have been the same fish too as all bites were within the same stretch of cover.
Oddly the bites dried up but I had another chance an hour later when another section of cover produced a bite within a few minutes, however this times a fish was on. A welcome Zander around 4lb graced the net and a blank avoided, and its eye highlighting just why these predators are top dog.