Saturday, 22 April 2023

Warwickshire Trout - River Alne Pt.4

Now this week  SpaceX has launched the biggest and most powerful rocket ever made in a landmark test but it exploded just minutes later.

Three days after an inaugural flight was scrapped due to a last-minute glitch, Starship took off from Boca Chica in southern Texas as thousands of spectators watched nearby.

But the rocket system failed to separate as planned, and exploded less than four minutes into its flight.SpaceX said Starship experienced a "rapid, unscheduled disassembly before stage separation".

So it blew up then !!!

A total of $900,000 per orbital launch just for the propellant apparently 👀

Talking about an expensive mistake, the other day down the Alne I couldn't fine my cocoon polarised sunglasses that I swear I put in my pocket.

It turned out I did because a couple of days later when getting out the car to unlock the gate I spotted them on the ground. So I had brought them after all, but obviously dropped them and then run over them with the car when I headed home.

The small corner pieces had dropped out  as did one of the lenses, but despite 1000kg of the Jimny running over it surprisingly they were still useable. A quick spit and polish and both big lenses re-seated all was good again and I could see any trout that decided to grab at the lure.

I upped the lure size for this session as I wanted to try and tempt one of the bigger trout that have eluded me this far. I've hooked and lost 2 that were easily >3lb but both lost the hooks leaving me without the needs to get out the scales.

The Alne where I'm fishing really is the perfect trout habit especially the upper reaches where I decided to fish for most of the session.

Fast running, shallow, weed, gravel and so many swims to go at it's a roving anglers delight. I bumped two fish off within the first 2 casts I did wonder if I should change the lure, but I stuck with it because it obviously was attracting them.

The water has a tinge of colour and it was clear after those first casts the trout were on it. Only small ones admittedly but this is a tiny river after all that after a persistent amount of rain can go from a trickle to a torrent.

These trout are predated upon as well, not just the resident otter but it sees herons and cormorants as well bizarrely but then they wouldn't be here if there wasn't any food for them. Most swims produced hits I was really enjoying myself.

None of the bigger fish showed today even when I decided to get back in the car and head down to the weir swim and a few before.

This the biggest that nailed the lure literally a foot from the bank its acrobatics failing to lose the hooks. Considering I've been using a lure I thought I might have a chub or two, but no, in these clear conditions its been trout all the way thankfully. Only two hours but plenty of bites and it was that warm I had to remove one of my layers, happy days !! 


  1. Shame to hear about the glasses, surprising that they survived the crush though..

    As for the Trout, they look amazing and on lures too, may have to try that myself.

    1. Great way to catch them James, they are proper predators there is no denying that they certainly show themselves quick when they are in the swim. Hopefully one of the bigger ones will show sometime and I can land them next time, third time lucky as I've lost two good'uns now.

  2. I've lost a couple of the big browns too on the stretch above. I think it's the surprise of a 3lb fish when I'm accustomed to a 1lber. By the time I've got my bearings, it's gone!
    Tight lines

    1. Same here Aaron, used to small trout and then, WTF is that, before you know it you've lost it. I've fished where I think you've been fishing but struggled for trout for some reason, not sure why as it probably looks even more trouty than I'm fishing


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