Wednesday, 12 April 2023

Transient Towpath Trudging - Pt.58

The conditions were not ideal for this session and with the weather all over the shop like me, the fish I suspect haven't a clue what the heck is going on. Now this bream spot I've been fishing holds fish most of the time and some nice ones too and despite it being cold again with clear skies I'm sure a fish or two would be biting. 

There are surprises to be had here and that's why I like fishing it even though the towpaths are that boggy and muddy at the moment just to get to the swim is a pain in the proverbials. 

Now what I didn't expect was at 6.45am a narrowboat heading towards and kyboshing my newly baited swim. I thought it was all about the lazy life living or holidaying on the canal ? Haven't they a bacon sarnie or a brew to sup ? heck here is a novel idea why not have a lie in ?

I decided to feed a little differently this time as when I used groundbait the other day it attracted some small fish in to the swim but it was the bigger fish I was after. Maybe I should maggots in a future session just to see what is about. 

 An hour in without a bite on bread with mash and some small pellets as feed I did think about moving, but this is a canal after all and such a large volume of water often a shoal, especially bream can turn up when you least expect it.

So I had another cup of tea and decided to enjoy the morning without getting too disappointed with the lack of action. Sure enough 1 few minutes later the float bobs and then carts from right to left before sailing under.

I could tell what it was straight away after the first bend of the rod. A small bream decided that he would liven the morning up a bit. I fully expected to catch another but the fish had other ideas and another hour in I decided to up sticks retrace my steps and head to the area I caught my PB roach of 1lb and 12 ounces.

Sadly lack of action there too and by 9.30am the boats were almost one after the other so I couldn't get in to a rhythm and it didn't help I was being battered by a cold wind. One of those sessions I'd rather forget and this blog post about it, all a bit Merhhhh !!!

Oh and the Zander rod, yeah that didn't see any action either !!!!


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